Freedom Talks

Showing 182 talks

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Title Speaker

No Self

Serial: SF-00915

Sunday Lecture: zen sayings: "Who's dragging this corpse around?; sense of self - root of all suffering; need to understand no-self, not just conceptually; Buddhist tool kit...

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Karma, Ceremony, Happiness, Freedom, Doubt,...
Sep 17 2006
Green Gulch

Buddhas And Sentient Beings Are Not Two

Serial: SF-01026

One-day sitting lecture: positive encouragement; nirvana; five hindrances; preliminary practices; three worlds; jhanas - benefits and ptifalls; Four Noble Truths; Mahayana...

Hindrances, Nirvana, Concentration, Samadhi, Four Noble Truths, Liberation, Freedom,...
Sep 16 2006
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-01100

Sesshin Lecture: just sitting with no technique or theme; monk: what about when not carrying anything? Zhaozhou: put it down; Shakyamuni holding up the flower; zazen in...

uchiyama, Zazen, Freedom, Duality, Impermanence, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen...
Apr 02 2006
Green Gulch

Alive or Dead?

Serial: SF-01147

Sunday Lecture: Koan: "Alive or Dead" (Daowu's condolence call); mind fleas; confession; too busy; leap or die when at an impasse; story of Buddha and king - what else can I do...

Teacher-and-Student, Anger, Don't Know Mind, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period,...
Jan 29 2006
Green Gulch

Mindful Living Sparks Global Change

Conversation, Letting Go, Instruction, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Zendo, Vow,...
Nov 19 2005

Rootedness, Relatedness, Responsibility

Serial: SF-01013

Wednesday Lecture: zen practice and ecology

Don't Know Mind, Bell, Lotus Sutra, Separation, confusion, training, Peace,...
Jul 27 2005
Green Gulch

Zendo Lecture

Zazen Mind, Precepts, Karma, Hindrances, Priest, Peace, Practice Period, Freedom,...
Jul 15 2005

Natural Liberation

Serial: SF-00035

Sunday talk.
Buddha teaches liberation; methods of liberation; birth and death is itself nirvana.

Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Renunciation, Nirvana, Freedom, Letting Go, Samsara,...
Jun 26 2005

Natural Liberation

Serial: SF-00916

Sunday Lecture: Buddha only teaches what leads to liberation; methods of liberation: 1 - Hinayana - renunciation; 2 - Mahayana- purification; 3 - Vajrayana - transformation; 4...

Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Renunciation, Nirvana, Letting Go, Freedom, Samsara,...
Jun 26 2005
Green Gulch

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: SF-01931

Sesshin 3 Day 7

Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Freedom, Suzuki Roshi, Buddha Nature...
Mar 29 2005

On Race

Serial: SF-03568

Sesshin 3 Day 7

Diversity, Lay, Hate, Discrimination, Soto Zen, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Bell,...
Mar 29 2005

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: SF-03503

Sesshin 2 Day 7

Attachment, Non-attachment, Four Noble Truths, Emotions, Freedom, Composure, Dream...
Feb 26 2005

Shikantaza - Calm Mind

Serial: SF-03497

Sesshin Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Posture, Emptiness, Silent Illumination, Letting Go, Suzuki Roshi,...
Feb 20 2005

The Direct Experience of Reality

Serial: SF-03669

Sesshin 1 Day 5: practice is right where you are - practice is/of sensitivity.

Lay Practice, Suzuki Roshi, Practice Period, Lay, Monastic Practice, Delusion,...
Jan 29 2005

The Art of Zen: True Concentration

Serial: SF-03666

Sesshin 1 Day 1

Concentration, Freedom, resistance, Zazen, Big Mind, Harmonizing, Duality,...
Jan 25 2005


Serial: SF-01096

Sunday Lecture: status games in conversation, hard-wired, power, humor, reversal of status, Marx Bros, Don Rickles, court fools, Dr Zhivago, improv. changing of roles, status...

Ego, Practice Period, Bell, Blue Cliff Record, Half-Smile, Mill Valley, Monastic...
Dec 26 2004
Green Gulch

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: SF-03548

Second Sesshin, Zendo Lecture

Lotus Sutra, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Emotions, Emptiness, Freedom, training,...
Nov 16 2004

Time's Commodity: A Buddhist Reflection

Vow, Bodhisattva Vow, Suzuki Roshi, Practice Period, Delusion, Karma, Zazen, Heart...
Mar 17 2004
City Center

Living Life as Improv Zen

Intimacy, Practice Period, Zendo, Zazen, Beginners, Birth-and-Death, Passions, Anger...
Feb 14 2004
City Center


Serial: SF-01024

Sunday Lecture: Children's Program. The Indian children who used to live here. Indian story about how the world was made. Staying home and accomplishing the way. Gateway into...

New Year, Bodhisattva Precepts, Separation, Practice Period, Precepts, Mill Valley,...
Feb 01 2004
Green Gulch


Freedom, Silence, Conversation, Attachment, Balance, Happiness, Intimacy, Patience,...
Jan 31 2004
Green Gulch

Sesshin Lecture

Practice Period, Greed, Sanctuary, Hate, Freedom, Chanting, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Oct 28 2003

Awakening Through Zen Impermanence

Mindfulness, Suzuki Roshi, Impermanence, Practice Period, Intimacy, Priest, Zazen,...
Oct 11 2003
City Center

Wednesday Lecture

Serial: SF-00948

Buffalo passing through window koan. Farm and draft horses at GGF

Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Commitment, Monastic Practice, confusion, Practice...
Jul 09 2003
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-00984

Sunday lecture: Morality. Hedonists, perfectionists. College days. John Adams. Strawberry/cliff story. Wrong-doing = causing harm to oneself or others. Ten grave precepts. Gay...

Precepts, Delusion, Freedom, Three Treasures, Bodhisattva Precepts, Humility,...
Jun 29 2003
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-01089

Feet, toes - funny introduction. Memorial Day - historical information. War. Relating Memorial Day to our practice.

Letting Go, Death-and-Dying, Attachment, Interdependence, Observe, Separation,...
May 25 2003
Green Gulch

Zendo Lecture

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Hate, Greed, Freedom, Delusion, Monastic Practice...
Dec 06 2002

Prajna Path: Wisdom in Zen Life

Ordinary Mind, Practice Period, Mindfulness, Letting Go, Suzuki Roshi, Freedom,...
Nov 16 2002
City Center

The Process of Peace

Peace, Freedom, Attachment, Five Ranks, Zazen, Delusion, Offering, Zendo, Karma,...
Oct 26 2002
City Center

Energizing Purpose Through Buddhist Practice

Zendo, Suzuki Roshi, Freedom, Mill Valley, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go,...
Oct 23 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-04016

Summer intensive

Separation, Karma, Delusion, Silence, Discrimination, Emptiness, Peace, Daily Life,...
Jul 29 2002
City Center

Wednesday Lecture

Serial: SF-01051

A sense of place, a valley of ancestors, apprentices finding their place, Harry Roberts' last remarks, 500-year view, mastodon tooth, mountains and rivers, walking mindfully,...

Blue Cliff Record, Dragons, Bell, Practice Period, zen meditation, Commitment,...
Jul 10 2002
Green Gulch

Zen Freedom: Beyond Self Boundaries

Freedom, Birth-and-Death, Duality, Separation, realization, Obstacles, Absolute-and-...
Jun 29 2002
City Center

Fear, Failure, and Spiritual Leadership

Serial: SF-00154

Wednesday talk.
Poem; anxiety about things finishing; expressing ourselves, failure, resentment.

Happiness, Monastic Practice, Don't Know Mind, Practice Period, Conversation,...
Jun 19 2002

Zen and Poetry Class

Light-and-Darkness, Silence, Freedom, Practice Period, Enemies, Bell, Precepts, Zoom...
Mar 26 2002
Green Gulch

Compassion and Transformation: A Bodhisattva's Journey

Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Emptiness, Cultivation, Nirvana, Heart Sutra, Zazen, Freedom,...
Jan 19 2002
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Emptiness, Concentration, Buddha's Birthday, Happiness, causation, Priest,...
Dec 02 2001
Green Gulch

Rilke's 8th Duino Elegy

Serial: SF-03128

One-day Sitting: This tape belongs to the Everyday Zen Foundation Tape Club

Freedom, Dream World, Zendo, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go, Ego, Faith, Intimacy,...
Mar 10 2001
Walker Creek Ranch

Sunday Lecture

Freedom, training, Bell, Beginners, Discrimination, Nirvana, Buddha Nature, confusion...
Mar 04 2001
Green Gulch

Hindrances: Fear

Hindrances, Don't Know Mind, Letting Go, Dana, Anger, Emotions, Suzuki Roshi,...
Dec 03 2000
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Monastic Practice, Zazen, Religion, Commitment, Big Mind, Buddha Ancestors, Soto Zen...
Aug 20 2000
Green Gulch

Women Ancestors Class

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Lay, Ceremony, Silence, Freedom, Practice Period,...
Aug 15 2000

Sunday Lecture

Dependent Origination, Karma, causation, Happiness, Nirvana, Concentration,...
Jun 18 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Freedom, resistance, Evil, Zendo, Priest, Emotions, Hate, Zazen, Doubt, Faith...
Apr 23 2000
Green Gulch
