Tenshin Reb Anderson Talks

Showing 7 talks

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Title Speaker

January Class

Mindfulness, Posture, Instruction, Duality, Four Noble Truths, Four Foundations,...
Jan 13 2004
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-00064

Sunday dharma talk.

Letting Go, Peace, Attachment, Freedom, Practice Period, Hindrances, Nirvana, Doubt,...
Dec 05 1999

The Jewel Called The Sangha

Serial: SF-00063

Sunday talk Jan PP; you are blessed by the people who want to practice with you who are not necessarily the people you would choose to practice with.

Interdependence, Lotus Sutra, Separation, causation, Instruction, Intimacy, training...
Jan 11 1998
Green Gulch Farm

Practicing With The Precepts

Serial: SF-00143

Tokubetsu Sesshin


Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, true dharma, Three Treasures, Transmission, Vow,...
Mar 28 1995

Sesshin Talk

Separation, Delusion, Oneness, Posture, Freedom, Practice Period, Six Realms, New...
Apr 01 1993

Receiving the Precepts

Serial: SF-00061

One day sitting

Precepts, Three Treasures, Repentance, Offering, Duality, Karma, Hindrances, Teacher-...
Aug 21 1990
Green Gulch Farm

Taking Refuge

Sangha, Three Treasures, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Precepts, Transmission,...
Jan 10 1990