Intimacy Talks

Showing 65 talks

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Title Speaker

Sesshin Lecture

Mindfulness, Letting Go, Practice Period, Hindrances, Liberation, Balance,...
Nov 12 2005

Dining Room Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Silent Illumination, Buddha Mind, Patience, Offering, Intimacy,...
Jun 06 2005


Serial: SF-03579

Sesshin 3 Day 5 Teacher-student relationship

Teacher-and-Student, Precepts, Anger, Intimacy, Buddha Nature, Practice Period,...
Mar 27 2005

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-00940

World's largest ball of twine, snobbery, insight, calming our minds, shamata - tranquility practce, Dhammapada, monuments to warfare, GGF farm and kids, hate crime and Tam High...

Vow, Precepts, Hate, Non-violence, Bodhisattva Precepts, Intimacy, Interview,...
Dec 19 2004
Green Gulch

Lotus Sutra Class

Serial: SF-03557

Dining Room Class

Lotus Sutra, Intimacy, Vow, Zendo, Manjushri, First Principle, Ordinary Mind, Suzuki...
Dec 03 2004

Shuso Talk

Serial: SF-01098


Book of Serenity, Diversity, Practice Period, Happiness, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Nov 10 2004
Green Gulch

Shuso Talk

Serial: SF-01899


Diversity, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Religion, Conversation, Gratitude, Priest-...
Nov 01 2004

Living The Good Life

Serial: SF-00933

Sunday Lecture

Patience, Ordinary Mind, Mill Valley, Big Mind, Attachment, Commitment, Silence,...
Aug 29 2004
Green Gulch

Dining Room Lecture

Right Speech, Sangha, Practice Period, Dana, Suzuki Roshi, Diversity, Intimacy,...
Apr 27 2004

March 24th, 2004, Serial No. 01039

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Teacher-and-Student, Ceremony, Tassajara Zen...
Mar 24 2004
City Center


Anger, Greed, Mindfulness, Don't Know Mind, Intimacy, Bell, Instruction,...
Feb 14 2004
Green Gulch

February 14th, 2004, Serial No. 00979

Intimacy, Practice Period, Zendo, Zazen, Beginners, Birth-and-Death, Passions, Anger...
Feb 14 2004
City Center


Freedom, Silence, Conversation, Attachment, Balance, Happiness, Intimacy, Patience,...
Jan 31 2004
Green Gulch


Conversation, Faith, Intimacy, Vow, Concentration, Silence, Passions, Doubt,...
Jan 31 2004
Green Gulch

Dogen Class: Miracles

Zazen, Intimacy, Lineage, Dream World, Lotus Sutra, Teacher-and-Student, Don't...
Nov 17 2003
Green Gulch

Sesshin Lecture

Four Noble Truths, Priest, Ordinary Mind, Intimacy, Hate, Delusion, Practice Period,...
Oct 26 2003

October 11th, 2003, Serial No. 00976

Mindfulness, Suzuki Roshi, Impermanence, Practice Period, Intimacy, Priest, Zazen,...
Oct 11 2003
City Center

September 20th, 2003, Serial No. 03984

Light-and-Darkness, Intimacy, Bowing, Commitment, Transmission, Lineage, Karma, Vow,...
Sep 20 2003
City Center


Serial: SF-00079

Zendo Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Separation, Letting Go, Intimacy, Liberation, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Aug 10 2003

Sesshin Lecture

Fox, Practice Period, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Mar 2003

January 24th, 2003, Serial No. 03931

Separation, Daily Life, Four Noble Truths, Priest-and-Lay, Beginners, Ceremony, Peace...
Jan 24 2003
City Center

October 10th, 2002, Serial No. 00973

Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Practice Period, Mill Valley, training, Rumi, Vow,...
Oct 10 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-04014

Summer intensive

Constancy, Birth-and-Death, Emotions, Delusion, Lovingkindness, Letting Go, Doubt,...
Aug 02 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-00154

Wednesday talk.
Poem; anxiety about things finishing; expressing ourselves, failure, resentment.

Happiness, Monastic Practice, Don't Know Mind, Practice Period, Conversation,...
Jun 19 2002

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-04071

Mothers' Day, women in Buddhism, the feminine in spirituality, story of Buddha - loss of mother, women's place in early Buddhist hierarchy, meditating on death, Buddha as a...

Birth-and-Death, Intimacy, Suzuki Roshi, Priest, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
May 12 2002
Green Gulch

Zen and Poetry Class

Fox, Gratitude, Passions, Birth-and-Death, stubbornness, Bell, Emotions, Oneness,...
Mar 19 2002
Green Gulch


Commitment, Intimacy, Absolute-and-Relative, Impermanence, Monastic Practice,...
Jan 11 2002
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Ceremony, Freedom, Intimacy, Impermanence, Mill Valley, Separation, Instruction,...
May 06 2001
Green Gulch

Rilke's 8th Duino Elegy

Serial: SF-03128

One-day Sitting: This tape belongs to the Everyday Zen Foundation Tape Club

Freedom, Dream World, Zendo, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go, Ego, Faith, Intimacy,...
Mar 10 2001
Walker Creek Ranch

Tenzo Kyokun Class

Emptiness, Dragons, Intimacy, Dharma Transmission, Zazen, Hindrances, Impermanence,...
Nov 21 2000
Green Gulch

Surangama Sutra Class

Emptiness, Blue Cliff Record, Intimacy, Don't Know Mind, Silence, Karma,...
May 23 2000
Green Gulch

Saturday Lecture

Right Speech, Dana, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment, Intimacy, Duality, Non-...
May 20 2000
City Center

Sesshin Lecture

Perfect Wisdom, Practice Period, training, Bell, Intimacy, Emptiness, Birth-and-Death...
Apr 12 2000
Green Gulch

Intensive Class

Delusion, Intimacy, Don't Know Mind, realization, Chanting, Aspects of Practice...
Aug 09 1999
City Center

Father's Day

Serial: SF-03233

Sunday Lecture

Teacher-and-Student, Suzuki Roshi, Samsara, Intimacy, confusion, Daily Life, Giving-...
Jun 20 1999
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-03244

Sunday Lecture

Commitment, Emptiness, Impermanence, Ego, Karma, Intimacy, Birth-and-Death, Buddha...
Mar 28 1999
Green Gulch


Absolute-and-Relative, Intimacy, Duality, Commitment, Separation, Soto Zen, Emptiness...
Dec 04 1998
City Center


Teacher-and-Student, Rumi, Bell, Intimacy, Gratitude, Instruction, Zendo, Emotions,...
Dec 01 1998
City Center

The Jewel Called The Sangha

Serial: SF-00063

Sunday talk Jan PP; you are blessed by the people who want to practice with you who are not necessarily the people you would choose to practice with.

Interdependence, Lotus Sutra, Separation, causation, Instruction, Intimacy, training...
Jan 11 1998
Green Gulch Farm

Rohatsu Sesshin

Absolute-and-Relative, Intimacy, Separation, Soto Zen, Commitment, Emotions, Doubt,...
Dec 04 1997

Genjo Koan workshop

Birth-and-Death, Attachment, Letting Go, Dependent Origination, Separation, Funeral,...
Jun 14 1997
Green Gulch

The Most Important Thing: Just This As It Is

Gratitude, Suzuki Roshi, Monastic Practice, Don't Know Mind, Practice Period,...
Apr 26 1997


Serial: SF-02725

Sesshin #1 (Post-it note from Lou "Do you have a tape player? I'd like to check this one more time")

Intimacy, Anger, Suzuki Roshi, Bowing, Separation, Ego, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center...
Jan 15 1997

January 15th, 1997, Serial No. 02685

Priest, Intimacy, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Heart Sutra, Zendo, Emotions, Zazen...
Jan 15 1997

On The Dharma Transmission Ceremony

Serial: SF-03638

Sunday Lecture

Transmission, Ceremony, Vow, Intimacy, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Teacher-and-...
Dec 15 1996
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-03106

Sunday Lecture

Manjushri, Samadhi, Oneness, confusion, Darkness and Light, Perfect Wisdom, Intimacy...
Dec 01 1996
Green Gulch

Being Open To Life's Process As It Is

Serial: SF-03216

One-day sitting

Posture, Intimacy, Zazen, resistance, Ego, Greed, Concentration, Instruction, Zendo,...
Oct 19 1996
Green Gulch
