Suzuki Roshi Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Wind Stops, But Still Flower FallsSerial: SR-00163 This audio has been improved, so more of the students' questions may be discernible. Ummon, Faith, Freedom, reality, Dragons, Community, Emptiness, Wisdom, Building,... |
Aug 15 1971 Tassajara |
Obon DaysCeremony, Big Mind, Nishiari Bokusan, Offering, Suffering, American, Faith |
Aug 12 1971 Tassajara |
At the Time of YakusanSerial: SF-06061 New version of this lecture has been uploaded, which may allow for more of the transcript to be done. Yaoshan, Faith |
Aug 01 1971 Tassajara |
Universal Practice for Laymen and MonksSerial: SR-00175 Whatever you do is practice; be careful not to practice for the sake of the self. Zazen as a way to find realization and get used to realization. Whether priest or layperson,... Practice, Zazen, Bodhisattva, Dogen, Sixth Patriarch, Buddha Mind, Faith, Truth,... |
Jul 25 1971 Tassajara |
San-Pachi-NenjuCeremony, First Principle, Faith, Non-duality, Diversity, Lay |
Jul 22 1971 Tassajara |
Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept PreceptsPrecepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, training, Religion, Observe, Priest,... |
Jul 17 1971 City Center |
Purely Involved Helping OthersSerial: SF-00013B 00013A was recorded over a tape of Suzuki Roshi speaking, which was labeled as 00013B. This is an incomplete copy of the talk, which is also available in other copies... Discrimination, Freedom, Ego, Enemies, Peace |
Jun 22 1971 City Center |
It Is Actually Buddha's PracticeSesshin, |
Feb 20 1971 Tassajara |
Not Sticking to EnlightenmentSerial: SF-05445B ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #26, by Shundo David Haye ===== It's not completely clear how this talk dropped off the radar, as the tape had been copied and... Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Emptiness |
Feb 12 1971 B City Center |
Teisho (Introduced by Jakusho Kwong)Serial: SF-05452B Mill Valley Zendo, talk by Suzuki Roshi Emptiness, Precepts, Observe, Ego, Evil |
Dec 23 1970 Mill Valley Zendo |
Lay Ordination CeremonySerial: SR-00069B ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #25, by Shundo David Haye ===== This tape, which is unfortunately very poorly recorded, gives us a sense of the lay ordination... Precepts, Ceremony, Commitment |
Aug 23 1970 City Center |
To Be Honest And Sincere In Its True Sense It Is Necessary to Push Yourself Into Some Very Strong Hard RuleSerial: SF-06121B Sunday, August 16, 1970 [This is the second of two lectures with this date. This lecture began mid-way on Side A of the original tape after a prior... Faith, Hate, Doubt |
Aug 16 1970 B City Center |
Priest Ordination Ceremony: Paul Discoe and Reb AndersonSerial: SR-00069A Reprocessed version may allow for clarification of transcript. Priest, Ceremony, Precepts, Don't Know Mind, Delusion, Greed, Interview,... |
Aug 09 1970 City Center |
Zazen Practice and Listen to the Right TeacherSerial: SF-05631 ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #24, by Shundo David Haye ===== In the last years of Suzuki Roshi's life, very few talks were lost from the collections... Sesshin, Dogen, Bodhidharma, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Observe, Precepts, Faith... |
Aug 03 1970 City Center |
Observation of Precepts and Practice of Zazen is Same ThingSerial: SF-06049 Sesshin Lecture No. 1 Sesshin, Precepts, Precepts, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Faith, Ceremony, Ordination, Lay,... |
Aug 01 1970 City Center |
Open Your IntuitionSerial: SF-05587B Sesshin Meeting Sesshin, Intuition, Instruction, Beginners |
Jul 31 1970 City Center |
Ekō Lecture 2Serial: SR-00229 The Second Morning Eko, Part 1 of 3 [This is the second in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted... Eko, Chanting, Chanting, Anger, Buddha Nature, Mahayana, heart, Karma, Meditation,... |
Jul 10 1970 Tassajara |
How To Have Sincere PracticeSerial: SR-00145 Suzuki Roshi edited from longer recording. Building, Community, Meditation, Zendo, Obstacles, Interview, Silence, Breath,... |
Apr 25 1970 A City Center |
Remarks at the Ceremony Officially Opening Beginner's Mind TempleSerial: SF-05996 These are Suzuki Roshi's words, edited together out of longer recording of ceremony. Ceremony, Offering |
Apr 25 1970 City Center |
Way-Seeking MindSerial: SF-05361 Saturday Lecture Of March Sesshin Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Monastic Practice, Peace |
Mar 28 1970 City Center |
Practice To Be Like A StoneSerial: SF-06125 SR-70-02-28 Sesshin lecture #6 (last lecture) - followed by service #2 for Trudy Dixon Don't Know Mind, Composure, Diversity, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, training... |
Feb 28 1970 City Center |
RulesDogen, Posture, Balance, Doubt, Faith |
Jan 18 1970 City Center |
Ordination Ceremony: Bill Kwong and Silas HoadleyCeremony, Priest, Ceremony, American |
Jan 11 1970 City Center |
Shosan CeremonySerial: SF-05964 Friday, December 5, 1969 Previously described as intranscribable - now clearer File name: 69-12-05N: untitled level low. [Verbatim transcript not... Ceremony, Shosan, Sixth Patriarch, Big Mind, Letting Go, Separation, Attachment,... |
Dec 05 1969 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-6Serial: SF-06005 Third Lotus Sutra Series Lotus Sutra, Beginner’s Mind, Politics, Interview, Concentration, Precepts, Freedom,... |
Oct 30 1969 Series 3, Talk 6 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-5Serial: SF-06006 Third Lotus Sutra Series Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Skandas, Balance |
Oct 28 1969 Series 3, Talk 5 Tassajara |
Interview of Suzuki by Peter SchneiderSerial: 69-09-16-IB Entered onto disk by DC 1996 or so [I dated this 69-09-16 to go with other Peter Schneider interview and lecture of that date.... Interview, First Principle, |
Sep 16 1969 |
On Zen Center History, Personal History, and Nona RansomSerial: SF-05610 Interview of Suzuki Roshi by Peter Schneider Interview, Transmission, Priest, Hate, Suzuki Roshi, training, Enemies, Passions,... |
Sep 16 1969 1 of 2 |
Wherever You Are, Enlightenment Is ThereSerial: SF-05184A Sesshin: First Night Lecture, “I Don't Know Zazen” Knowing that we have buddha nature even while we are in the... Dogen, Buddha Nature, Enlightenment, Five Ranks, Buddha Nature, Composure, Emotions,... |
Sep 1969 Tassajara |
Sesshin, Third Night LectureSerial: SR-00130 Tassajara Sesshin, Emptiness, reality, Passions, Intuition, Bell, Forms, American, difficulty... |
Sep 1969 Tassajara |
Stand Up By The GroundSerial: SF-05209 Protection Master "Suzuki Roshi summer sesshin 1969 2nd night lecture Sesshin, Second Night Lecture Sesshin, Dogen, Time, Continuous Practice, Freedom, Doubt |
Sep 1969 Tassajara |
Our Practice And Our Everyday ActivitySerial: SF-05396 Saturday, August 30, 1969 Newly uploaded recording should be clearer to transcribe Concentration, Composure, Gratitude, Fundraising, Posture, training, Faith |
Aug 30 1969 Tassajara |
Some QuestionsQuestion-and-Answer, Breath, Buddha Nature, Posture, sitting, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Aug 28 1969 Tassajara |
Our Way To Attain LiberationSerial: SF-05087B Monday Evening, August 18, 1969 Story of the Sixth Patriarch. Practice with everyone else at the monastery, without self-centered ideas. Answering... Sixth Patriarch, Monastic Practice, Japan, Aspects of Practice, Discrimination, Faith... |
Aug 18 1969 Tassajara |
Emptiness is FormSerial: SF-05968 Sunday, June 29, 1969 Newly uploaded version has speed adjustments made; should be a little clearer for transcript - not just end, but correcting... Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Current Events, Balance, Faith, Beginners, Continuous... |
Jun 29 1969 Tassajara |
Yakusan did not give lectures for a long timeSerial: SF-05961 June 1969 Story of Yakusan saying he was not a teacher to give lectures. Making effort, and paying attention. What is right effort? Priest, Freedom |
Jun 1969 Tassajara |
Nansen's “Everyday Mind Is Dao” Truth, Birth-and-Death, Wisdom, zen, Pain, Death, difficulty, Composure, Sutra... |
Mar 10 1969 |
At The End Of The Year We Clean Up Our HouseSerial: SF-05970B Dec 1968 New Year Lecture Beginner’s Mind, Dogen, Japan, New Year, Beginners, Transmission, Instruction, Priest... |
Dec 29 1968 Sokoji |
untitledSerial: SR-00007 Newly reprocessed recording should be a little clearer Lotus Sutra, Monks, Breath, Building |
Dec 24 1968 Sokoji |
True Happiness and Renewal of Practice at Year's EndSerial: SF-05970A Newly uploaded recording of this talk. Happiness, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Composure |
Dec 21 1968 Sokoji |
Shosan CeremonyShosan, First Principle, Emptiness, Compassion, Lotus Sutra, Patience, sitting,... |
Nov 11 1968 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-1Serial: SF-05681 [Second Lotus Sutra series in 1968] Lotus Sutra, Vow, Enemies, Conversation, Karma, Emotions |
Oct 20 1968 Tassajara |
The True DragonDogen, Baso, Dragons, Freedom, Soto Zen, Emptiness, Bodhidharma, Instruction, Zazen... |
Oct 12 1968 B Sokoji |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-11Serial: SF-05251 October 1968 Lotus Sutra, Lay, Emptiness, Interview, Ceremony |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 11 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-12Serial: SR-00004 Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. 12 October 1968 Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Suffering, Observe, Compassion, Intention, heart,... |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 12 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-9Serial: SF-06041 Audio Problem Set has been replaced by original recording, with speed adjustments made. Lotus Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Suzuki Roshi, Demons |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 9 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-14Serial: SF-05683 Fall 1968 Lotus Sutra, Demons, Silence, Evil |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 14 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-3Serial: SF-05256 October, 1968 Lotus Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Silence, Bell, Vow |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 3 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-4Serial: SF-05255 Fall 1968 Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Passions, Attachment, Vow |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 4 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-6Serial: SF-05258 68-10-00-E Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Anger, Faith |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 6 Tassajara |