Emptiness Talks

Śūnyatā ( shoon-yə-TAH; Sanskrit: शून्यता; Pali: suññatā), translated most often as "emptiness", "vacuity", and sometimes "voidness", or "nothingness" is an Indian philosophical concept. In Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, and other Indian philosophical traditions, the concept has multiple meanings depending on its doctrinal context. It is either an ontological feature of reality, a meditative state, or a phenomenological analysis of experience.

In Theravāda Buddhism, Pali: suññatā often refers to the non-self (Pāli: anattā, Sanskrit: anātman) nature of the five aggregates of experience and the six sense spheres. Pali: Suññatā is also often used to refer to a meditative state or experience.

In Mahāyāna Buddhism, śūnyatā refers to the tenet that "all things are empty of intrinsic existence and nature (svabhava)", but may also refer to the Buddha-nature teachings and primordial or empty awareness, as in Dzogchen, Shentong, or Chan.

From Śūnyatā on Wikipedia

Showing 215 talks

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Title Speaker

Three Characteristics of Phenomena

Serial: SF-01079

One-day sitting lecture: "no eyes, no ears..." Diamond Sutra, Platform Sutra

Delusion, Emptiness, Platform Sutra, Bodhisattva Vow, New Year, Teacher-and-Student,...
May 19 2007
Green Gulch

Gazing at Flowers on the Roof of Hell

Serial: SF-00914

Sunday Lecture: learning zazen with Soen Roshi in Jerusalem - interfaith practice; Easter - rebirth; Issa "Walking together on the roof of hell, looking at flowers";...

Faith, Buddha's Birthday, Dragons, Peace, zen meditation, Gratitude, Don't...
Apr 16 2006
Green Gulch

Fall to the Ground, Get Up by the Ground

Continuous Practice, Discrimination, Birth-and-Death, Four Noble Truths, Emptiness,...
Jul 18 2005

Chewing Rice Embracing Emptiness

Delusion, Emptiness, Suzuki Roshi, Precepts, Zazen, Obstacles, Buddha Nature,...
Jul 16 2005

Nirvana, The Waterfall

Serial: SF-03495

Sesshin 3 Day 2

Birth-and-Death, Big Mind, Subject-and-Object, Separation, Continuous Practice,...
Mar 24 2005

Hokyo Zammai Class

Subject-and-Object, Five Ranks, Emptiness, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana Sutra,...
Mar 10 2005

Hokyo Zammai Class

Five Ranks, Daily Life, Absolute-and-Relative, Emptiness, Balance, Practice Period,...
Mar 10 2005

Shikantaza - Calm Mind

Serial: SF-03497

Sesshin Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Posture, Emptiness, Silent Illumination, Letting Go, Suzuki Roshi,...
Feb 20 2005

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: SF-03651

Sesshin 1 Day 4 (date on cassette - 1.29 - is inconsistent with the previous dates in this sesshin)

Suzuki Roshi, Practice Period, Bell, Zendo, Passions, Posture, Emptiness, Rinzai,...
Jan 28 2005

Zendo Lecture

Emptiness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Karma, Separation, Practice Period, Zendo,...
Dec 07 2004

Lotus Sutra Class

Serial: SF-03560

Dining Room Class

Addiction, Lotus Sutra, Happiness, realization, Emptiness
Nov 27 2004

Lotus Sutra Class

Serial: SF-03484

Dining Room Class

Dragons, Lotus Sutra, Manjushri, Mahayana, Emptiness, Hindrances, Diversity,...
Nov 27 2004

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: SF-03548

Second Sesshin, Zendo Lecture

Lotus Sutra, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Emotions, Emptiness, Freedom, training,...
Nov 16 2004

Vimalakirti's Dharma: Living Enlightenment

Suzuki Roshi, Manjushri, Emptiness, Priest, Vimalakirti, Lay, Priest-and-Lay,...
Nov 13 2004

Living Zen: Emotional Authenticity Unveiled

Emotions, Impermanence, Emptiness, Intuition, Practice Period, Conversation,...
Oct 02 2004
City Center

Sacred Space

Serial: SF-01097

Sunday Lecture

Manjushri, Emptiness, Half-Smile, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi, Birth-and-Death, Gratitude...
Jul 25 2004
Green Gulch

Hsin Hsin Ming

Serial: SF-01901

Zendo Lecture

Faith, Don't Know Mind, Equanimity, Emptiness, Perfect Wisdom, Beginners,...
Jun 18 2004

Do Not Resuscitate

Emptiness, Delusion, Buddha Nature, Big Mind, Suzuki Roshi, Discrimination, Non-...
May 08 2004


Serial: SF-00158

Sunday talk. Children's lecture.
Legend of the blue bonnets; Seijiki, offering food and light; karmic life and emptiness.

Offering, Ceremony, Emptiness, Emotions, Intuition, Practice Period, Precepts, Karma...
Nov 02 2003
Green Gulch Farm

Vimalakirti Sutra

Serial: SF-04084

Sunday Lecture: Manjushri questioning Vimalakirti. How should one view all sentient beings - like the reflection of the moon in water, etc. Love. Wisdom of love.

Heart Sutra, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment, Manjushri, Mahayana, Emptiness, Vimalakirti,...
Aug 10 2003
Green Gulch

Exploring Zen's Paradoxical Path

Buddha Nature, Suzuki Roshi, Zazen, Ceremony, Zendo, Ordinary Mind, Bell, Emptiness,...
Dec 09 2002
City Center

Not Always So Class

Buddha Nature, Emptiness, Bodhidharma, Zazen, Suzuki Roshi, realization, Religion,...
Nov 18 2002

Embracing Challenges Through Zen Innovation

Obstacles, Four Noble Truths, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Suzuki Roshi, Big Mind,...
Nov 06 2002
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-00953

Witch puppet started giving the talk, humorous. Why do we practice? Because we are dissatisfied. Halloween, Seijiki, legend of Seijiki, general dharma talk - impermanence,...

Ceremony, Blue Cliff Record, Buddha Mind, Attachment, Hate, Emptiness, Demons, Greed...
Oct 27 2002
Green Gulch

Path to Enlightenment Through Threefold Training

Precepts, Liberation, Delusion, training, Emptiness, Samadhi, Greed, Hate, Letting Go...
Aug 24 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-04017

Summer intensive

Demons, Subject-and-Object, Letting Go, Separation, Emptiness, Soto Zen, Happiness,...
Jul 31 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-04016

Summer intensive

Separation, Karma, Delusion, Silence, Discrimination, Emptiness, Peace, Daily Life,...
Jul 29 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-04018

Summer intensive

Delusion, Letting Go, Emptiness, Zazen, Separation, New Year, Karma, Discrimination,...
Jul 22 2002
City Center

Transmission of the Light Class

Serial: SF-00918

Upagupta (Ubakikuta), leaving home

Demons, Karmic Consciousness, Attachment, Karmic Consequences, Emptiness, Passions,...
May 28 2002
Green Gulch

Transmission of the Light Class

Serial: SF-01088

What brings us to these stories(?)? What is the unrest? What is the transmission of, how does the unrest be calmed (?), impermanence is that essential problem. Stories are what...

Transmission, Separation, Four Noble Truths, Emptiness, Five Ranks, Soto Zen, Dragons...
May 21 2002
Green Gulch

Transmission of the Light Class

Serial: SF-00917

Be careful about taking doctrine too much on faith, Don Juan's two cats; Ananda, every one of these stories has a warning, Dogen: all things, just as they are, are perfectly...

Delusion, realization, Emptiness, Transmission, Religion, Interdependence, Birth-and-...
May 14 2002
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-04071

Mothers' Day, women in Buddhism, the feminine in spirituality, story of Buddha - loss of mother, women's place in early Buddhist hierarchy, meditating on death, Buddha as a...

Birth-and-Death, Intimacy, Suzuki Roshi, Priest, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
May 12 2002
Green Gulch

Zen and Poetry Class

Serial: SF-01142

Life and Poetry - Ryokan, Didactic Poems - Writing without adjectives/adverbs

Right Speech, Transmission, Buddha Ancestors, Emptiness, Letting Go, stubbornness,...
Mar 05 2002
Green Gulch

Zen and Poetry Class

Emptiness, Blue Cliff Record, Duality, Absolute-and-Relative, Impermanence, Aspects...
Feb 19 2002
Green Gulch

Compassion and Transformation: A Bodhisattva's Journey

Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Emptiness, Cultivation, Nirvana, Heart Sutra, Zazen, Freedom,...
Jan 19 2002
City Center

Awakening Through Life's Illusions

Ego, Hindrances, Don't Know Mind, Daily Life, Zazen, Vow, Doubt, Emptiness,...
Dec 08 2001
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Emptiness, Concentration, Buddha's Birthday, Happiness, causation, Priest,...
Dec 02 2001
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Enthusiasm, Religion, Priest, Emptiness, Nirvana, Observe, Ego, Posture, Bell,...
Mar 18 2001
Green Gulch

Solitude and Fulfillment in Zen Insight

Soto Zen, Five Ranks, Emptiness, Nirvana, Renunciation, Oneness, Suzuki Roshi,...
Jan 03 2001

Zen's Path: Beyond Self and Suffering

Letting Go, Emptiness, Daily Life, Religion, Patience, Impermanence, Birth-and-Death...
Dec 09 2000
City Center

Tenzo Kyokun Class

Practice Period, Attachment, Offering, Letting Go, Bodhisattva Way, Emptiness,...
Nov 28 2000
Green Gulch

Embracing Abundance Through Selfless Giving

Ceremony, Gratitude, Emptiness, Separation, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Nov 22 2000
City Center

Tenzo Kyokun Class

Emptiness, Dragons, Intimacy, Dharma Transmission, Zazen, Hindrances, Impermanence,...
Nov 21 2000
Green Gulch

Surangama Sutra Class

Emptiness, confusion, Cultivation, Silent Illumination, Light-and-Darkness, Subject-...
Sep 18 2000

Surangama Sutra Class

confusion, Four Noble Truths, Don't Know Mind, Delusion, Discrimination, Heart...
Sep 11 2000

Sunday Lecture

Fox, causation, Karma, Nirvana, Soto Zen, Funeral, Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Ceremony,...
Sep 10 2000
Green Gulch

Surangama Sutra Class

Emptiness, Light-and-Darkness, Skandas, true dharma, Emotions, Doubt, Buddha Nature,...
Jun 06 2000
Green Gulch

Surangama Sutra Class

Emptiness, Manjushri, Karma, Impermanence, Emotions, Nirvana, Lotus Sutra, Religion,...
May 30 2000
Green Gulch

Surangama Sutra Class

Emptiness, Blue Cliff Record, Intimacy, Don't Know Mind, Silence, Karma,...
May 23 2000
Green Gulch

Saturday Lecture

Right Speech, Dana, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment, Intimacy, Duality, Non-...
May 20 2000
City Center
