Fox Talks

Showing 50 talks

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Title Speaker

Zendo Lecture

Serial: SF-01001

Tanto talk

Anger, Ego, Passions, Four Noble Truths, Fox, Emotions, Four Foundations, Hate,...
Oct 23 2005

Sesshin Lecture

Fox, Practice Period, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Mar 2003

Transmission of the Light Class

Serial: SF-00917

Be careful about taking doctrine too much on faith, Don Juan's two cats; Ananda, every one of these stories has a warning, Dogen: all things, just as they are, are perfectly...

Delusion, realization, Emptiness, Transmission, Religion, Interdependence, Birth-and-...
May 14 2002
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Serial: SF-01087

A defining moment of metaphor, Dale Wright, time is money, need to create new metaphors for American zen, too green to burn, Daigan and Arlene leaving GGF "AS"

realization, Aspects of Practice, Lotus Sutra, Letting Go, Practice Period, Delusion...
May 08 2002
Green Gulch

Zen and Poetry Class

Fox, Gratitude, Passions, Birth-and-Death, stubbornness, Bell, Emotions, Oneness,...
Mar 19 2002
Green Gulch


true dharma, Transmission, Nirvana, Karma, Ceremony, Monastic Practice, Fox, Passions...
Mar 09 2002

Sunday Lecture

Ceremony, Cultivation, New Year, Gratitude, Impermanence, resistance, Balance,...
Nov 05 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Fox, causation, Karma, Nirvana, Soto Zen, Funeral, Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Ceremony,...
Sep 10 2000
Green Gulch

Sesshin Lecture

Six Realms, Practice Period, Karma, Suzuki Roshi, Three Treasures, Buddha Mind,...
Apr 15 2000
Green Gulch

Works of Dogen Class

Serial: SF-03198

Tuesday Class

Delusion, Balance, Letting Go, Doubt, Buddha Ancestors, Emptiness, Dream World, Fox,...
Mar 07 2000
Green Gulch

Green Gulch History

training, Fox, Offering, Lay, Zendo, Priest, Doubt, Religion, realization, Peace...
May 10 1998
Green Gulch

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 1

Serial: SF-03052

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette

Dragons, Evil, Rinzai, Ego, Fox, Discrimination, Greed, Balance, Bell, Instruction...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Poems 1

Serial: SF-03521

Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette

Zendo, Continuous Practice, Politics, Religion, Ceremony, Fox, Patience, Mahayana,...

Mountains And Rivers Without End

Serial: SF-03583

Mountains And Rivers Workshop, Mark Gonnerman, Stanford Humanities Center, Kresge Auditorium

Heart Sutra, New Year, Funeral, Emptiness, Gratitude, Fox, Bowing, Dragons, Obstacles...
Oct 09 1997
Stanford University

What Is The Ember You Carry With You?

Serial: SF-00086

One Day Sit

Practice Period, Blue Cliff Record, Non-duality, Fox, Bodhidharma, First Principle,...
Sep 27 1997

Recollections of Early Zen

Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Priest, training, Lineage, Lay, Zendo, Rinzai, Fox, Demons...
Feb 08 1997
1 of 3
Green Gulch Farm

May 17th, 1995, Serial No. 01073

Serial: SF-01073

NB - no cassette visible in photo

Fox, Dharma Transmission, Ceremony, Blue Cliff Record, Funeral, Suzuki Roshi,...
May 17 1995

Jewel of Sangha

Serial: SF-03102

Sunday Lecture

Three Treasures, Gratitude, Sangha, Fox, zen meditation, Happiness, Teacher-and-...
Jan 29 1995
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Ceremony, Practice Period, Four Noble Truths, Funeral, Fox, Bell, Six Realms, Demons...
Oct 30 1994
Green Gulch

The Meeting of American Culture and Buddhism

Serial: SF-00103

Lecture Series

Right Speech, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Fox, Half-Smile, Lay, Emptiness,...
Mar 01 1994
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Observe, Cultivation, Balance, Fox, Conversation, Don't Know Mind, Emptiness,...
Feb 09 1992
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Gratitude, Dragons, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, New Year, Obstacles, Renewal,...
Dec 01 1991
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Forgiveness, stubbornness, Bodhisattva Way, Cultivation, Enemies, Fox, Equanimity,...
Nov 12 1989
Green Gulch

Guru Yoga

Lineage, Buddha Nature, Chanting, Don't Know Mind, Transmission, Offering,...
Apr 08 1988

Sesshin Lecture

Equanimity, Harmonizing, Fox, New Year, Concentration, Beginners, Cultivation,...
Mar 03 1987

An Afternoon of Poetry and Discussion

Silence, Diversity, Peace, Enemies, Zoom, Fox, Intuition, Cultivation, Bell, Karma...
Mar 27 1983

Poetry Reading

Funeral, Subject-and-Object, Silence, Bell, Lay, Fox, Enemies, Evil, Anger, Hate...
Feb 01 1983
City Center

Children's Talk: Money

Peace, Fox, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, training
Dec 08 1981
Green Gulch

Dining Room class

Silence, Current Events, Religion, Monastic Practice, Faith, Sanctuary, Fox, Patience...
Jun 14 1981

Browning's Sordello

Politics, Lay, Faith, Fox, Demons, resistance, Passions, Evil, Happiness
Mar 30 1980

Thursday Night Lecture at Fireman's Fund Auditorium

Serial: SF-00127

Economics as if people matter.

Fox, Politics, Concentration, Balance, Bell, Freedom, Doubt, training
Sep 05 1974
Fireman's Fund Auditorium

OLD - To Actually Practice Selflessness

Serial: SF-05873

Copy Master - Suzuki Roshi August sesshin 1969 Wednesday (side A of original tape) - duplicate

Freedom, Fox, Precepts, Funeral, Continuous Practice, Discrimination, Liberation,...
Aug 06 1969

OLD - To Actually Practice Selflessness

Serial: SF-05348A

August Sesshin 1969 Suzuki Roshi Wednesday lecture copy - duplicate

Fox, Precepts, Freedom, Funeral, Non-discrimination, Attachment, Continuous Practice...
Aug 06 1969

OLD - To Actually Practice Selflessness

Serial: SF-06089B

August sesshin 1969 Suzuki Roshi Side A: Wed 2 lectures - transcribed - copied ZC

Fox, Precepts, Freedom, Funeral, Non-discrimination, Attachment, Continuous Practice...
Aug 06 1969

True Practice

Serial: SF-05133-B

Evening Sesshin Lecture
Friday Evening, December 1, 1967, Lecture B
Zen Mountain Center

Sesshin, Zuigan, Fox, Gratitude, Fox, Buddha Nature, Addiction, Discrimination,...
Dec 01 1967


Serial: SF-05093-J

Suzuki lecture 6pm Weds Track 2, continued on Track 3

Sesshin, Time, Freedom, Happiness, Fox, Oneness, Enemies, Offering, Evil, Lay...
Aug 17 1966

I Have Nothing In My Mind

Serial: SF-05125-B

One-Day Sesshin Lecture: 5 PM
Saturday, August 28, 1965, Lecture B
San Francisco

Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Baso, Big Mind, Faith, Fox, Duality, Hate
Aug 28 1965

Fire in the Earth

Serial: SF-01874

"Bill R. From a set called "Footsteps: A Writing Life" KT

Silence, Humility, Freedom, Passions, Conversation, Light-and-Darkness, First...


Subject-and-Object, Hate, Samadhi, Fox, Obstacles, Ego, confusion


Evil, Passions, Peace, Precepts, confusion, Fox, Obstacles, Silence, Enemies, Balance...

The Fourth Grave Precept (Not Lying)

Precepts, Subject-and-Object, Silence, Karmic Consciousness, Four Noble Truths,...

The Seventh Precept

Heart Sutra, Fox, Patience, Greed, Interview, Chanting, Commitment, Observe,...

Time and Future

Observe, Letting Go, Happiness, Suzuki Roshi, Doubt, Ceremony, Fox, Samsara, Ego,...