Liberation Talks

Showing 124 talks

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Title Speaker

No Self

Serial: SF-00915

Sunday Lecture: zen sayings: "Who's dragging this corpse around?; sense of self - root of all suffering; need to understand no-self, not just conceptually; Buddhist tool kit...

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Karma, Ceremony, Happiness, Freedom, Doubt,...
Sep 17 2006
Green Gulch

Buddhas And Sentient Beings Are Not Two

Serial: SF-01026

One-day sitting lecture: positive encouragement; nirvana; five hindrances; preliminary practices; three worlds; jhanas - benefits and ptifalls; Four Noble Truths; Mahayana...

Hindrances, Nirvana, Concentration, Samadhi, Four Noble Truths, Liberation, Freedom,...
Sep 16 2006
Green Gulch

Birth Death

Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Death-and-Dying, Suzuki Roshi, Ego, Don't Know...
May 13 2006

Have Some Tea

Serial: SF-00965

Sunday Lecture: "Have you been here before? Have some tea"; judgment and conduct; Four Noble Truths; Eightfold Path; ethics and etiquette

Four Noble Truths, Right Effort, Three Treasures, Right Speech, Liberation, Renewal,...
May 07 2006
Green Gulch

Sesshin Lecture

Mindfulness, Letting Go, Practice Period, Hindrances, Liberation, Balance,...
Nov 12 2005

Zendo Lecture

training, Instruction, Attachment, Equanimity, Impermanence, Lovingkindness,...
Aug 24 2005

Zendo Lecture

Liberation, resistance, Happiness, Karma, Suzuki Roshi, Addiction, Delusion, Evil,...
Jul 31 2005

Natural Liberation

Serial: SF-00035

Sunday talk.
Buddha teaches liberation; methods of liberation; birth and death is itself nirvana.

Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Renunciation, Nirvana, Freedom, Letting Go, Samsara,...
Jun 26 2005

Natural Liberation

Serial: SF-00916

Sunday Lecture: Buddha only teaches what leads to liberation; methods of liberation: 1 - Hinayana - renunciation; 2 - Mahayana- purification; 3 - Vajrayana - transformation; 4...

Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Renunciation, Nirvana, Letting Go, Freedom, Samsara,...
Jun 26 2005
Green Gulch

Wheel of Birth and Death

Serial: SF-00969

Sunday Lecture: Children's stories: earth moving around the sun is one year; "stone soup"; thinking and not thinking; Tibetan wheel of birth and death - six realms, twelve-fold...

Peace, Dependent Origination, Six Realms, Demons, Birth-and-Death, Liberation,...
Apr 10 2005
Green Gulch

Two Paths to the Dharma

training, Practice Period, Liberation, Bodhidharma, Mahayana, Study Period, Lineage,...
Mar 04 2005

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-00940

World's largest ball of twine, snobbery, insight, calming our minds, shamata - tranquility practce, Dhammapada, monuments to warfare, GGF farm and kids, hate crime and Tam High...

Vow, Precepts, Hate, Non-violence, Bodhisattva Precepts, Intimacy, Interview,...
Dec 19 2004
Green Gulch

Four Motivations For Practice

Serial: SF-00928

Sunday Lecture: 1- rare to be born as human; 2 - impermanence of life; 3 - the effect of actions; 4 - suffering of cyclical existence. What is the practice? Letting go of fear...

Liberation, Impermanence, Happiness, Aspects of Practice, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go...
Oct 17 2004
Green Gulch

Breathing In and Breathing Out

Serial: SF-00934

One-day sitting lecture: Book of Serenity Case 3, Anapanasati Sutta, Six Subtle Dharma Gates

Mindfulness, Dragons, Lotus Sutra, Concentration, Book of Serenity, Bodhidharma,...
Sep 18 2004
Green Gulch

Zen Sangha: Bridge to Authenticity

Blue Cliff Record, Delusion, Commitment, Sangha, Patience, Forgiveness, Teacher-and-...
Sep 08 2004
City Center

January Class

Mindfulness, Posture, Instruction, Duality, Four Noble Truths, Four Foundations,...
Jan 13 2004
Green Gulch

The Power of Ten

Serial: SF-00985

The silence of 'don't know'; outer space Vimalakirti Sutra; radiant vision of alternate universes. Motivation for literary inventiveness - world is not only what we think;...

Vimalakirti, Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Mill Valley, Bell, Lotus Sutra, Heart Sutra...
Dec 14 2003
Green Gulch

Beginner's Mind, Infinite Enlightenment

Serial: SF-00079

Zendo Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Separation, Letting Go, Intimacy, Liberation, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Aug 10 2003

Awakening to Interconnected Authority

Separation, Daily Life, Four Noble Truths, Priest-and-Lay, Beginners, Ceremony, Peace...
Jan 24 2003
City Center

Path to Enlightenment Through Threefold Training

Precepts, Liberation, Delusion, training, Emptiness, Samadhi, Greed, Hate, Letting Go...
Aug 24 2002
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Blue Cliff Record, realization, Delusion, Nirvana, Right Speech, true dharma,...
Mar 10 2002
Green Gulch

Embracing Divine Dialogue in Relationships

Commitment, Intimacy, Absolute-and-Relative, Impermanence, Monastic Practice,...
Jan 11 2002
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Two Truths, Four Noble Truths, Humility, Buddha Ancestors, New Year, Liberation,...
Dec 30 2001
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Global Warming, training, Impermanence, Anger, Cultivation, resistance...
Jun 03 2001
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Study Period, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Liberation, Instruction, Renunciation...
Jan 28 2001
Green Gulch

Surangama Sutra Class

Birth-and-Death, Bell, Light-and-Darkness, Nirvana, Ego, Skandas, confusion, Letting...
Sep 25 2000

Sunday Lecture

Dependent Origination, Karma, causation, Happiness, Nirvana, Concentration,...
Jun 18 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Interview, Mill Valley, Birth-and-Death, Koan, Bell, Vow, Faith, Liberation, Delusion...
May 21 2000
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Ordination, Suzuki Roshi, Patience, Liberation, Zazen...
May 03 2000
Green Gulch

Works of Dogen Class

Serial: SF-03199

Tuesday Class

Buddha Ancestors, Lotus Sutra, Balance, Emptiness, Liberation, Transmission,...
Mar 14 2000
Green Gulch

January Practice Period Class

Heart Sutra, Duality, Non-duality, Four Noble Truths, Six Realms, Liberation, Two...
Jan 19 2000
Green Gulch

One-day Sitting Lecture

Greed, Offering, Lotus Sutra, Bodhidharma, Liberation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center...
Sep 18 1999
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Right Speech, Addiction, Freedom, Liberation, Right Effort, Bodhisattva Precepts,...
Aug 08 1999
Green Gulch

One-day Sitting Lecture

Liberation, Vow, Four Noble Truths, Dragons, causation, realization, Birth-and-Death...
Jun 26 1999
Green Gulch

Buddha's Birthday

Serial: SF-03241

Sunday Lecture

Buddha's Birthday, Ceremony, Renewal, Liberation, Vow, Happiness, Peace,...
Apr 04 1999
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Practice Period, Precepts, Dragons, Six Realms, Liberation, Ceremony, Forgiveness,...
Nov 29 1998
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Constancy, Mindfulness, Cultivation, Daily Life, Doubt, Lay Practice, Buddha Nature,...
Nov 08 1998
Green Gulch

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 2

Serial: SF-03053

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette

Interview, Suzuki Roshi, Evil, Heart Sutra, Hate, Liberation, Bell, Zazen, Emptiness...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Lecture 2

Serial: SF-03062

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette

Evil, Liberation, Funeral, Karma, Hate, Freedom

Precepts Class

Precepts, Confession-and-Repentance, Repentance, Evil, Liberation, Buddha Nature,...
Nov 17 1997
Green Gulch

Majjhima Nikaya Class

Serial: SF-03192

Middle-length Discourses

Evil, Letting Go, Birth-and-Death, Karma, Faith, Precepts, Liberation, Karmic...
Sep 23 1997
Green Gulch

Majjhima Nikaya

Mindfulness, Hindrances, Evil, Liberation, Soto Zen, Lay, Doubt, Faith, Daily Life,...
Jul 10 1997
Green Gulch

Majjhima Nikaya

Evil, training, Liberation, Greed, Renunciation, confusion, Hate, Enemies, Delusion,...
Jul 08 1997
Green Gulch

Willingness To Be With Our Difficulties

Hate, Four Noble Truths, Suzuki Roshi, Right Speech, Conversation, resistance,...
Dec 28 1996
