Evil Talks

Showing 130 talks

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Buddhas And Sentient Beings Are Not Two

Serial: SF-01026

One-day sitting lecture: positive encouragement; nirvana; five hindrances; preliminary practices; three worlds; jhanas - benefits and ptifalls; Four Noble Truths; Mahayana...

Hindrances, Nirvana, Concentration, Samadhi, Four Noble Truths, Liberation, Freedom,...
Sep 16 2006
Green Gulch

August 4th, 2005, Serial No. 03167

Forgiveness, Monastic Practice, Evil, Separation, training, Religion, Conversation,...
Aug 04 2005

Zendo Lecture

Liberation, resistance, Happiness, Karma, Suzuki Roshi, Addiction, Delusion, Evil,...
Jul 31 2005

Hokyo Zammai Class

Subject-and-Object, Five Ranks, Emptiness, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana Sutra,...
Mar 10 2005

Lotus Sutra Class

Serial: SF-03484

Dining Room Class

Dragons, Lotus Sutra, Manjushri, Mahayana, Emptiness, Hindrances, Diversity,...
Nov 27 2004

Lotus Sutra Class

Serial: SF-03554

Dining Room Class 3

Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Daily Life, Nirvana, Bell, Renunciation, Samsara, Balance,...
Oct 20 2004

Buddhism, Christianity, War and Peace

Serial: SF-00939

Sunday Lecture: Two types of training: compassion and wisdom (wisdom: the entire universe is the true human body); US history; Christianity (is evil 'outside' or not); Mara...

First Principle, Hate, Evil, Faith, Soto Zen, Heart Sutra, Bodhidharma, Separation,...
May 16 2004
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-01024

Sunday Lecture: Children's Program. The Indian children who used to live here. Indian story about how the world was made. Staying home and accomplishing the way. Gateway into...

New Year, Bodhisattva Precepts, Separation, Practice Period, Precepts, Mill Valley,...
Feb 01 2004
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-00983

First part of lecture children's program. Read story, "Play with Me". Impatient with world situation. Look at causes. Patience. Path of peace. Dog story. MLK Jr

Hate, Anger, Non-violence, Mill Valley, Peace, Greed, Evil, Demons, Concentration,...
Apr 06 2003
Green Gulch


Passions, Priest, Evil, Enemies, Heart Sutra, Hate, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana,...
Dec 01 2002

Zen and Poetry Class

Silence, confusion, Suzuki Roshi, Interdependence, Politics, Impermanence, Bell, Evil...
Mar 12 2002
Green Gulch

Arbor Day

Serial: SF-01071

Sunday Lecture

Commitment, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Non-violence, Nirvana, Practice Period,...
Feb 10 2002
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Mill Valley, Peace, Fasting, Zendo, Faith, Commitment, Monastic Practice,...
Sep 26 2001
Green Gulch

June 17th, 2000, Serial No. 03920

Practice Period, Forgiveness, Right Speech, Precepts, Emotions, resistance, Evil,...
Jun 17 2000
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Freedom, resistance, Evil, Zendo, Priest, Emotions, Hate, Zazen, Doubt, Faith...
Apr 23 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Precepts, Balance, Bodhisattva Precepts, Evil, Vow, Renunciation, Non-duality, Bowing...
Sep 26 1999
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-01872


Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Balance, Vow, Evil, Renunciation, Non-duality,...
Sep 26 1999
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Right Speech, Silence, Emptiness, Lotus Sutra, Letting Go, Conversation, Bowing, Ego...
Jun 06 1999
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-04022

Wednesday Lecture: George Lucas/Star Wars

Separation, Greed, Gratitude, Lineage, Delusion, Evil, Hate, Doubt, Ceremony, Ego...
Apr 21 1999
City Center

January 2nd, 1999, Serial No. 04060

Vow, Right Effort, Ceremony, Suzuki Roshi, Renunciation, Happiness, Emptiness, Soto...
Jan 02 1999

Sunday Lecture

Anger, Book of Serenity, Karma, Precepts, Evil, Duality, Emptiness, Offering, Fasting...
Oct 04 1998
Green Gulch

Origins of Zen

Lotus Sutra, Ordination, Faith, Mahayana, Evil, Karma, Freedom, Separation, Offering...
May 17 1998

April 26th, 1998, Serial No. 01892

Buddha Mind, Platform Sutra, Lineage, New Year, Ordination, Evil, Priest, Anger, Hate...
Apr 26 1998

Buddhism At Millennium's Edge

Serial: SF-00030

Seminar 1

Dragons, Evil, Rinzai, Ego, Bell, Discrimination, Greed, Silence, Balance,...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 2

Serial: SF-03053

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette

Interview, Suzuki Roshi, Evil, Heart Sutra, Hate, Liberation, Bell, Zazen, Emptiness...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 1

Serial: SF-03052

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette

Dragons, Evil, Rinzai, Ego, Fox, Discrimination, Greed, Balance, Bell, Instruction...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Lecture 2

Serial: SF-03062

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette

Evil, Liberation, Funeral, Karma, Hate, Freedom

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Lecture 1

Serial: SF-03063

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette

Evil, Silence, Suzuki Roshi, Chanting, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Bell, Priest,...

Precepts Class

Precepts, Confession-and-Repentance, Repentance, Evil, Liberation, Buddha Nature,...
Nov 17 1997
Green Gulch

Precepts Class

Precepts, Evil, Attachment, Vow, Platform Sutra, Ceremony, Daily Life, Samadhi,...
Nov 03 1997
Green Gulch

Mountains And Rivers Without End

Serial: SF-03582

Mountains And Rivers Workshop, Mark Gonnerman, Stanford Humanities Center, Kresge Auditorium

Darkness and Light, Chanting, Evil, Silence, Lay, Emptiness
Oct 09 1997
Stanford University

Majjhima Nikaya Class

Serial: SF-03194

Middle-length Discourses

Attachment, Evil, Delusion, Hate, confusion, Don't Know Mind, Observe, Letting...
Oct 07 1997
Green Gulch

Majjhima Nikaya Class

Serial: SF-03192

Middle-length Discourses

Evil, Letting Go, Birth-and-Death, Karma, Faith, Precepts, Liberation, Karmic...
Sep 23 1997
Green Gulch

Attention to Transitions

Serial: SF-03632

One-day sitting: transitions as a time you lose balance; time of equinox - going under into dark, gathering in time of transition and change; how to meet forms that wakes up...

Precepts, Evil, Suzuki Roshi, Posture, Zendo, Right Speech, true dharma,...
Sep 20 1997
Green Gulch

How Can We Live The Next 10,000 Years?

Transmission, Fasting, Peace, Oneness, Politics, Gratitude, Commitment, Passions,...
Sep 10 1997

Majjhima Nikaya

Mindfulness, Hindrances, Evil, Liberation, Soto Zen, Lay, Doubt, Faith, Daily Life,...
Jul 10 1997
Green Gulch

Majjhima Nikaya

Evil, training, Liberation, Greed, Renunciation, confusion, Hate, Enemies, Delusion,...
Jul 08 1997
Green Gulch

Sandokai Class

Evil, Religion, Funeral, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Discrimination, Suzuki Roshi...
Nov 25 1996
Green Gulch

Lotus Sutra Class

Lotus Sutra, Nirvana, Evil, Manjushri, Dragons, Vow, Buddha Nature, Emptiness,...
May 23 1996
Green Gulch

May 18th, 1996, Serial No. 02694

Dragons, Suzuki Roshi, Silence, Priest, Funeral, Zazen, Ceremony, Tassajara Zen...
May 18 1996

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-03572

Includes Q&A

Blue Cliff Record, Evil, Absolute-and-Relative, Religion, Don't Know Mind,...
Mar 17 1996
Green Gulch

Our Bodies and Our Practice

Serial: SF-03528

Wednesday Lecture

Mindfulness, Evil, Impermanence, Anger, Mill Valley, New Year, Instruction, Zendo,...
Sep 20 1995
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Practice Period, Ceremony, Religion, Suzuki Roshi, Commitment, Evil, Priest, Right...
Jun 04 1995
Green Gulch

Shantideva Class

Serial: SF-03186

Practice of Generosity/Giving

Letting Go, Cultivation, Evil, Offering, Don't Know Mind, Repentance, Patience,...
Apr 18 1995

Practicing With The Precepts

Serial: SF-00143

Tokubetsu Sesshin


Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, true dharma, Three Treasures, Transmission, Vow,...
Mar 28 1995

October 1st, 1994, Serial No. 04045

Three Treasures, Perfect Wisdom, Sangha, Suzuki Roshi, Priest, Practice Period, Evil...
Oct 01 1994

Hokyo Zammai Class

Five Ranks, Emptiness, Sixth Patriarch, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Buddha Nature, Evil,...
Feb 19 1992

Jewel Mirror Samadhi

Precious Mirror, Buddha Nature, Samadhi, Faith, Diversity, Soto Zen, Patience, Ego,...
Oct 24 1990

September 11th, 1989, Serial No. 04068

realization, Hsin Hsin Ming, Buddha Nature, Lay, Samadhi, Evil, Transmission,...
Sep 11 1989
Green Gulch

August 11th, 1989, Serial No. 04067

Serial: SF-04067


realization, Buddha Nature, Hsin Hsin Ming, Evil, Lay, Samadhi, Transmission,...
Aug 11 1989
Green Gulch
