true dharma Talks

Showing 48 talks

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Title Speaker

Dining Room Lecture

Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Birth-and-Death, Posture, Instruction...
Sep 03 2005

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: SF-03548

Second Sesshin, Zendo Lecture

Lotus Sutra, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Emotions, Emptiness, Freedom, training,...
Nov 16 2004

Dogen - Being Familiar With The Entire Body

Serial: SF-00039

Sunday talk.
Practice, realization, expression; Dogen's letters to nun Ryugen

realization, Buddha Ancestors, Delusion, Precepts, true dharma, Lotus Sutra, Oneness...
May 18 2003

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-01072

One-minute silence/meditation. Enjoy your breathing at that time. Wage peace. Ashoka story. Bodhi tree. Rice (?) to president campaign

Peace, Silence, Practice Period, Offering, true dharma, Vow, Daily Life, Bell, Non-...
Feb 09 2003
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-04028

Summer intensive

Separation, Emotions, Daily Life, Letting Go, confusion, true dharma, Buddha...
Jul 26 2002
City Center

Transmission of the Light Class

Serial: SF-01090

What enlightenment meant to the ancestors might be different than what it means to us, it's important to come to everyday events with a new outlook or view, Daitaka, we can...

Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, true dharma, Transmission, Buddha Mind, Demons,...
Jun 04 2002
Green Gulch

Transmission of the Light Class

Serial: SF-00918

Upagupta (Ubakikuta), leaving home

Demons, Karmic Consciousness, Attachment, Karmic Consequences, Emptiness, Passions,...
May 28 2002
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Blue Cliff Record, realization, Delusion, Nirvana, Right Speech, true dharma,...
Mar 10 2002
Green Gulch


true dharma, Transmission, Nirvana, Karma, Ceremony, Monastic Practice, Fox, Passions...
Mar 09 2002

Sunday Lecture

Mill Valley, Buddha Nature, Delusion, true dharma, Buddha Ancestors, Teacher-and-...
Dec 03 2000
Green Gulch

Genjo Koan

Serial: SF-00117


Karma, Five Ranks, Soto Zen, Dharma Transmission, true dharma, Transmission, Politics...
Nov 04 2000
1 of 4
City Center

Tenzo Kyokun Class

true dharma, Practice Period, Instruction, Soto Zen, Zendo, Suzuki Roshi, Big Mind,...
Oct 24 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Ordination, Offering, Precepts, Three Treasures, Ceremony, true dharma, Buddha Mind,...
Jul 23 2000
Green Gulch

Surangama Sutra Class

Emptiness, Light-and-Darkness, Skandas, true dharma, Emotions, Doubt, Buddha Nature,...
Jun 06 2000
Green Gulch

Sesshin Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Zendo, Composure, Practice Period, Interview, true dharma, Chanting,...
Apr 13 2000
Green Gulch

Fukanzazengi Class

Serial: SF-03655

Monday Class

Posture, Monkey Mind, Suzuki Roshi, true dharma, Zazen, Branching Streams,...
Mar 20 2000
Green Gulch

Fukanzazengi Class

Serial: SF-03656

Monday Class

Posture, Zazen, Monastic Practice, realization, true dharma, Lineage, confusion, Don...
Mar 13 2000
Green Gulch

Fukanzazengi Class

Serial: SF-03661

Monday Class

Ceremony, Soto Zen, true dharma, Instruction, realization, Practice Period, Posture,...
Feb 21 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Ceremony, Instruction, Letting Go, Practice Period, Delusion, Zazen, Family Practice...
Feb 20 2000
Green Gulch

Attention to Transitions

Serial: SF-03632

One-day sitting: transitions as a time you lose balance; time of equinox - going under into dark, gathering in time of transition and change; how to meet forms that wakes up...

Precepts, Evil, Suzuki Roshi, Posture, Zendo, Right Speech, true dharma,...
Sep 20 1997
Green Gulch

Majjhima Nikaya Class

Serial: SF-03224

Middle-length Discourses

Buddha Ancestors, Manjushri, Letting Go, Perfect Wisdom, Teacher-and-Student,...
Sep 09 1997
Green Gulch

Dharma As Medicine

Serial: SF-03621

Sunday Lecture, children's talk: good medicine (cabin) anything remarkable, beautiful, unique, like a gift from nature that anyone was able to see or feel; in quiet you are...

Book of Serenity, Impermanence, Three Treasures, realization, true dharma, Samadhi,...
Jun 01 1997
Green Gulch

A Sense of Vision Giving a Sense of Purpose in Life

Serial: SF-03228

Sunday lecture

Interdependence, Lotus Sutra, Happiness, Nirvana, Silence, Peace, true dharma,...
May 05 1996
Green Gulch

The Angulimala Story

Serial: SF-03226

Sunday Lecture - Children's talk

true dharma, Enemies, Karma, Letting Go, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Anger, Daily...
Mar 03 1996
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Vow, Buddha Mind, Hindrances, Monkey Mind, Buddha's Birthday, Six Realms, Priest...
Apr 16 1995
Green Gulch

Tokubetsu Sesshin

Faith, Ceremony, Big Mind, true dharma, Transmission, Monastic Practice, Emotions,...
Mar 28 1995

Practicing With The Precepts

Serial: SF-00143

Tokubetsu Sesshin


Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, true dharma, Three Treasures, Transmission, Vow,...
Mar 28 1995

Sunday Lecture

Cultivation, Patience, Enemies, Anger, Happiness, Emotions, Death-and-Dying,...
Jan 17 1993
Green Gulch

Cultivating Community Through Zazen Practice

true dharma, Sangha, Gratitude, Zazen, Letting Go, Vow, Anger, Suzuki Roshi, Ceremony...
Oct 19 1991

Embracing Interconnectedness Through Zen Moments

true dharma, Emptiness, Oneness, Buddha Nature, Separation, Vow, Karma, Suzuki Roshi...
Oct 27 1989

Marin Retreat

Serial: SF-01888

Thursday 14th pm

Liberation, Obstacles, Attachment, Teacher-and-Student, Karma, Transmission, Freedom...
Jul 14 1988

The Fifth Grave Precept: Do Not Misuse Drugs

Serial: SF-04058


Precepts, true dharma, Giving-and-Taking, Buddha Nature, Sangha, Lay, Bodhidharma,...
Oct 08 1984

The Fifth Grave Precept: Do Not Misuse Drugs

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, true dharma, Giving-and-Taking, Sangha, Lay,...
Aug 09 1983
Green Gulch

The Fourth Grave Precept: Not Lying

Subject-and-Object, Karmic Consciousness, Precepts, Lotus Sutra, Silence, Four Noble...
Aug 09 1983

The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom

Serial: SF-00007B

Reading of Dr Edward Conze's translation - this is after 00007A and separate from it.

Perfect Wisdom, true dharma, Evil, Concentration, Karma, Anger
Apr 25 1980

Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SF-05094

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #23, by Shundo David Haye =====

This was the last of the three 5" reels that appeared to be from the summer of 1968, but there...

Shosan, true dharma, Separation, Faith, Emptiness, confusion, Dragons, Ego, Passions...
Sep 10 1968

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 4

Serial: SF-03514

Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette

Politics, true dharma, Daily Life, Interview, Offering, Lay, Avalokiteshvara,...


Karma, Concentration, Nirvana, Demons, Four Noble Truths, Faith, Conversation,...


Serial: SF-01858

Class 4 - Teacher/Student

Teacher-and-Student, Discrimination, Obstacles, Commitment, confusion, Buddha Nature...