true dharma Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Dining Room Lecture Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Birth-and-Death, Posture, Instruction... |
Sep 03 2005 Tassajara |
Sesshin LectureSerial: SF-03548 Second Sesshin, Zendo Lecture Lotus Sutra, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Emotions, Emptiness, Freedom, training,... |
Nov 16 2004 Tassajara |
Dogen - Being Familiar With The Entire BodySerial: SF-00039 Sunday talk. realization, Buddha Ancestors, Delusion, Precepts, true dharma, Lotus Sutra, Oneness... |
May 18 2003 |
Sunday LectureSerial: SF-01072 One-minute silence/meditation. Enjoy your breathing at that time. Wage peace. Ashoka story. Bodhi tree. Rice (?) to president campaign Peace, Silence, Practice Period, Offering, true dharma, Vow, Daily Life, Bell, Non-... |
Feb 09 2003 Green Gulch |
VasubandhuSerial: SF-04028 Summer intensive Separation, Emotions, Daily Life, Letting Go, confusion, true dharma, Buddha... |
Jul 26 2002 City Center |
Transmission of the Light ClassSerial: SF-01090 What enlightenment meant to the ancestors might be different than what it means to us, it's important to come to everyday events with a new outlook or view, Daitaka, we can... Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, true dharma, Transmission, Buddha Mind, Demons,... |
Jun 04 2002 Green Gulch |
Transmission of the Light ClassSerial: SF-00918 Upagupta (Ubakikuta), leaving home Demons, Karmic Consciousness, Attachment, Karmic Consequences, Emptiness, Passions,... |
May 28 2002 Green Gulch |
Sunday Lecture Blue Cliff Record, realization, Delusion, Nirvana, Right Speech, true dharma,... |
Mar 10 2002 Green Gulch |
Genzo-e true dharma, Transmission, Nirvana, Karma, Ceremony, Monastic Practice, Fox, Passions... |
Mar 09 2002 1 |
Sunday Lecture Mill Valley, Buddha Nature, Delusion, true dharma, Buddha Ancestors, Teacher-and-... |
Dec 03 2000 Green Gulch |
Genjo KoanSerial: SF-00117 Workshop Karma, Five Ranks, Soto Zen, Dharma Transmission, true dharma, Transmission, Politics... |
Nov 04 2000 1 of 4 City Center |
Tenzo Kyokun Class true dharma, Practice Period, Instruction, Soto Zen, Zendo, Suzuki Roshi, Big Mind,... |
Oct 24 2000 Green Gulch |
Sunday Lecture Ordination, Offering, Precepts, Three Treasures, Ceremony, true dharma, Buddha Mind,... |
Jul 23 2000 Green Gulch |
Surangama Sutra Class Emptiness, Light-and-Darkness, Skandas, true dharma, Emotions, Doubt, Buddha Nature,... |
Jun 06 2000 Green Gulch |
Sesshin Lecture Suzuki Roshi, Zendo, Composure, Practice Period, Interview, true dharma, Chanting,... |
Apr 13 2000 Green Gulch |
Fukanzazengi ClassSerial: SF-03655 Monday Class Posture, Monkey Mind, Suzuki Roshi, true dharma, Zazen, Branching Streams,... |
Mar 20 2000 Green Gulch |
Fukanzazengi ClassSerial: SF-03656 Monday Class Posture, Zazen, Monastic Practice, realization, true dharma, Lineage, confusion, Don... |
Mar 13 2000 Green Gulch |
Fukanzazengi ClassSerial: SF-03661 Monday Class Ceremony, Soto Zen, true dharma, Instruction, realization, Practice Period, Posture,... |
Feb 21 2000 Green Gulch |
Sunday Lecture Ceremony, Instruction, Letting Go, Practice Period, Delusion, Zazen, Family Practice... |
Feb 20 2000 Green Gulch |
Attention to TransitionsSerial: SF-03632 One-day sitting: transitions as a time you lose balance; time of equinox - going under into dark, gathering in time of transition and change; how to meet forms that wakes up... Precepts, Evil, Suzuki Roshi, Posture, Zendo, Right Speech, true dharma,... |
Sep 20 1997 Green Gulch |
Majjhima Nikaya ClassSerial: SF-03224 Middle-length Discourses Buddha Ancestors, Manjushri, Letting Go, Perfect Wisdom, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Sep 09 1997 Green Gulch |
Dharma As MedicineSerial: SF-03621 Sunday Lecture, children's talk: good medicine (cabin) anything remarkable, beautiful, unique, like a gift from nature that anyone was able to see or feel; in quiet you are... Book of Serenity, Impermanence, Three Treasures, realization, true dharma, Samadhi,... |
Jun 01 1997 Green Gulch |
A Sense of Vision Giving a Sense of Purpose in LifeSerial: SF-03228 Sunday lecture Interdependence, Lotus Sutra, Happiness, Nirvana, Silence, Peace, true dharma,... |
May 05 1996 Green Gulch |
The Angulimala StorySerial: SF-03226 Sunday Lecture - Children's talk true dharma, Enemies, Karma, Letting Go, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Anger, Daily... |
Mar 03 1996 Green Gulch |
Sunday Lecture Vow, Buddha Mind, Hindrances, Monkey Mind, Buddha's Birthday, Six Realms, Priest... |
Apr 16 1995 Green Gulch |
Tokubetsu Sesshin Faith, Ceremony, Big Mind, true dharma, Transmission, Monastic Practice, Emotions,... |
Mar 28 1995 |
Practicing With The PreceptsSerial: SF-00143 Tokubetsu Sesshin
Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, true dharma, Three Treasures, Transmission, Vow,... |
Mar 28 1995 |
Sunday Lecture Cultivation, Patience, Enemies, Anger, Happiness, Emotions, Death-and-Dying,... |
Jan 17 1993 Green Gulch |
Cultivating Community Through Zazen Practice true dharma, Sangha, Gratitude, Zazen, Letting Go, Vow, Anger, Suzuki Roshi, Ceremony... |
Oct 19 1991 |
Embracing Interconnectedness Through Zen Moments true dharma, Emptiness, Oneness, Buddha Nature, Separation, Vow, Karma, Suzuki Roshi... |
Oct 27 1989 Unknown |
Marin RetreatSerial: SF-01888 Thursday 14th pm Liberation, Obstacles, Attachment, Teacher-and-Student, Karma, Transmission, Freedom... |
Jul 14 1988 SFZC |
The Fifth Grave Precept: Do Not Misuse DrugsSerial: SF-04058 Duplicate Precepts, true dharma, Giving-and-Taking, Buddha Nature, Sangha, Lay, Bodhidharma,... |
Oct 08 1984 SFZC |
The Fifth Grave Precept: Do Not Misuse Drugs Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, true dharma, Giving-and-Taking, Sangha, Lay,... |
Aug 09 1983 Green Gulch |
The Fourth Grave Precept: Not Lying Subject-and-Object, Karmic Consciousness, Precepts, Lotus Sutra, Silence, Four Noble... |
Aug 09 1983 SFZC |
The Large Sutra on Perfect WisdomSerial: SF-00007B Reading of Dr Edward Conze's translation - this is after 00007A and separate from it. Perfect Wisdom, true dharma, Evil, Concentration, Karma, Anger |
Apr 25 1980 |
Shosan CeremonySerial: SF-05094 ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #23, by Shundo David Haye ===== This was the last of the three 5" reels that appeared to be from the summer of 1968, but there... Shosan, true dharma, Separation, Faith, Emptiness, confusion, Dragons, Ego, Passions... |
Sep 10 1968 Tassajara |
Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 4Serial: SF-03514 Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette Politics, true dharma, Daily Life, Interview, Offering, Lay, Avalokiteshvara,... |
Class Karma, Concentration, Nirvana, Demons, Four Noble Truths, Faith, Conversation,... |
NgondroSerial: SF-01858 Class 4 - Teacher/Student Teacher-and-Student, Discrimination, Obstacles, Commitment, confusion, Buddha Nature... |