Mahayana Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Buddhas And Sentient Beings Are Not TwoSerial: SF-01026 One-day sitting lecture: positive encouragement; nirvana; five hindrances; preliminary practices; three worlds; jhanas - benefits and ptifalls; Four Noble Truths; Mahayana... Hindrances, Nirvana, Concentration, Samadhi, Four Noble Truths, Liberation, Freedom,... |
Sep 16 2006 Green Gulch |
Zendo Lecture Monastic Practice, Practice Period, Global Warming, Buddha Ancestors, Mahayana,... |
Oct 02 2005 Tassajara |
Natural LiberationSerial: SF-00035 Sunday talk. Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Renunciation, Nirvana, Freedom, Letting Go, Samsara,... |
Jun 26 2005 |
Natural LiberationSerial: SF-00916 Sunday Lecture: Buddha only teaches what leads to liberation; methods of liberation: 1 - Hinayana - renunciation; 2 - Mahayana- purification; 3 - Vajrayana - transformation; 4... Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Renunciation, Nirvana, Letting Go, Freedom, Samsara,... |
Jun 26 2005 Green Gulch |
Two Paths to the Dharma training, Practice Period, Liberation, Bodhidharma, Mahayana, Study Period, Lineage,... |
Mar 04 2005 |
Hokyo Zammai Class Buddha Nature, Silent Illumination, Delusion, Nirvana Sutra, Duality, Heart Sutra,... |
Feb 18 2005 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra ClassSerial: SF-03484 Dining Room Class Dragons, Lotus Sutra, Manjushri, Mahayana, Emptiness, Hindrances, Diversity,... |
Nov 27 2004 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra ClassSerial: SF-03556 Dining Room Class 3 Lotus Sutra, Suzuki Roshi, Mahayana, Big Mind, Practice Period, Heart Sutra, Buddha... |
Oct 20 2004 Tassajara |
Dining Room Lecture Right Speech, Sangha, Practice Period, Dana, Suzuki Roshi, Diversity, Intimacy,... |
Apr 27 2004 Tassajara |
Workshop Conversation, Balance, Heart Sutra, Observe, Posture, training, Patience, Mahayana,... |
Feb 14 2004 Green Gulch |
The Power of TenSerial: SF-00985 The silence of 'don't know'; outer space Vimalakirti Sutra; radiant vision of alternate universes. Motivation for literary inventiveness - world is not only what we think;... Vimalakirti, Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Mill Valley, Bell, Lotus Sutra, Heart Sutra... |
Dec 14 2003 Green Gulch |
Vimalakirti SutraSerial: SF-04084 Sunday Lecture: Manjushri questioning Vimalakirti. How should one view all sentient beings - like the reflection of the moon in water, etc. Love. Wisdom of love. Heart Sutra, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment, Manjushri, Mahayana, Emptiness, Vimalakirti,... |
Aug 10 2003 Green Gulch |
SufferingSerial: SF-04034 Sunday Lecture: Being present with one's own suffering. Aversion and attraction. Thought of stealing bowl. War situation. Suzuki Roshi, Enemies, Cultivation, Obstacles, Emotions, Impermanence, Mahayana,... |
Mar 09 2003 Green Gulch |
Zen and Poetry Class Emptiness, Blue Cliff Record, Duality, Absolute-and-Relative, Impermanence, Aspects... |
Feb 19 2002 Green Gulch |
Women Ancestors Class Precepts, Three Treasures, Lay, Sangha, Mahayana, Sanctuary, Addiction, Hate,... |
Aug 22 2000 Unknown |
Fukanzazengi ClassSerial: SF-03652 Monday Class Instruction, Book of Serenity, realization, Mahayana, Posture, Balance, Karma, Faith... |
Mar 06 2000 Green Gulch |
Faith as a Journey in ZenSerial: SF-00033 Sunday dharma talk. Dragons, Faith, New Year, Doubt, Mahayana, Karma, Four Noble Truths, Precepts, Three... |
Jan 02 2000 |
Origins of Zen Lotus Sutra, Ordination, Faith, Mahayana, Evil, Karma, Freedom, Separation, Offering... |
May 17 1998 Unknown |
Origins of Zen Silent Illumination, Transmission, Lineage, training, Ordination, Mahayana, Offering... |
May 16 1998 Unknown |
Zen's Journey: Monastery to Society Bodhidharma, Buddha Nature, Platform Sutra, Doubt, Faith, New Year, Religion, Funeral... |
Apr 26 1998 Unknown |
Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 2Serial: SF-03512 Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette Sixth Patriarch, Lotus Sutra, Religion, Priest, Mahayana, Samsara, Sangha, Offering,... |
1998 Unknown |
Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Poems 1Serial: SF-03521 Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette Zendo, Continuous Practice, Politics, Religion, Ceremony, Fox, Patience, Mahayana,... |
1998 Unknown |
Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 3Serial: SF-03513 Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette Mahayana, Priest, Lay, Commitment, Religion, Mill Valley, Transmission, Monastic... |
1998 Unknown |
Precepts Class Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Priest, Ceremony, Vow, Ordination, Lay, Mahayana,... |
Oct 20 1997 Green Gulch |
Majjhima Nikaya ClassSerial: SF-03224 Middle-length Discourses Buddha Ancestors, Manjushri, Letting Go, Perfect Wisdom, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Sep 09 1997 Green Gulch |
Path Beyond Destination: Embracing Infinity Hindrances, Heart Sutra, Mahayana, Zazen, Letting Go, Vimalakirti, Suzuki Roshi,... |
Mar 15 1997 |
Recollections of Early Zen Priest, Rinzai, Peace, Ceremony, New Year, Mahayana, Zazen, Diversity, Funeral,... |
Feb 08 1997 3 of 3 Green Gulch Farm |
Wednesday Lecture Hsin Hsin Ming, Zazen, Ordination, Practice Period, Obstacles, Mahayana, Anger,... |
Aug 14 1996 Unknown |
Lotus Sutra ClassSerial: SF-03223 Context of the Lotus Sutra - history of Hinayana and Mahayana texts - stylistic differences of - history of Lotus Sutra - key elements/doctrine of sutra - key elements of... Lotus Sutra, Nirvana, Manjushri, Mahayana, Demons, Offering, Avalokiteshvara,... |
Apr 07 1996 Green Gulch |
Sunday LectureSerial: SF-03572 Includes Q&A Blue Cliff Record, Evil, Absolute-and-Relative, Religion, Don't Know Mind,... |
Mar 17 1996 Green Gulch |
Women in Buddhism Class Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, Six Realms, Instruction, Lay, Religion, Balance... |
Nov 13 1995 Unknown |
Women in Buddhism Class Emptiness, Balance, Liberation, Nirvana, Lay, Heart Sutra, Religion, Mahayana, Birth-... |
Nov 06 1995 Unknown |
Shuso TalkSerial: SF-01118 #shuso-talk Heart Sutra, Manjushri, Bell, Zazen, Daily Life, Letting Go, Zendo, realization,... |
May 24 1995 Unknown |
Saturday Lecture Buddha Nature, zen meditation, Birth-and-Death, Lineage, Repentance, Mahayana,... |
Nov 13 1993 City Center |
Saturday Lecture Four Noble Truths, Six Realms, Bodhisattva Vow, Instruction, Mahayana, Chanting,... |
Jul 31 1993 City Center |
World Peace and HealthSerial: SF-04064 Copyright California Diamond Sangha Right Speech, Mahayana, Attachment, Right Effort, Zazen, Daily Life, Vow, training,... |
Aug 21 1991 Unknown |
One-Day SittingSerial: SF-01078 #shuso-talk Precepts, Vow, Nirvana, Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva Vow, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment,... |
Mar 09 1991 Unknown |
Mumonkan Case #25 Mahayana, realization, Samadhi, Blue Cliff Record, Rinzai, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Oct 03 1989 Unknown |
Zen's Journey: Roots and Routes Bodhidharma, Monastic Practice, Ordination, Doubt, Religion, Mahayana, Interview,... |
Apr 25 1988 Unknown |
Buddha Nature: Interconnected Enlightenment realization, Lotus Sutra, Discrimination, Bodhisattva Way, Delusion, Conversation,... |
Jun 13 1987 SFZC |
The First Grave PreceptSerial: SF-00026 Not Killing Precepts, Buddha Nature, Peace, Heart Sutra, Politics, realization, Mahayana,... |
Aug 04 1983 2 of 3 |
The First Grave Precept: Not Killing Precepts, Heart Sutra, Buddha Nature, Peace, Politics, realization, Mahayana,... |
Aug 04 1983 SFZC |
The Nature of the Precepts Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Mahayana, realization, Lay, Sangha, Bodhidharma,... |
Aug 03 1983 1 |
The Nature of the Precepts Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Mahayana, Lay, Bodhidharma, Emptiness, Daily Life,... |
Aug 03 1983 SFZC |
Awakening Through Sound and Self-lessnessSerial: SF-00130 Changes that occur during practice period; sutra story of monk retrieving his mother from hell; composing concrete music; Practice Period, Ceremony, Mahayana, Nirvana, Karma, Manjushri, Addiction, Samsara,... |
Dec 10 1975 |
Seminar on PrajnaSerial: SF-00019 Prajna is beyond words and inexpressible; Joshu, Daishi and the broom; achieving the knowledge of not-knowledge. Duality, Mahayana, Lay, Cultivation, Concentration, Attachment, Vow, Freedom, Doubt... |
May 24 1975 |
From Self to Universal EnlightenmentSerial: SF-00015 Morning; Buddha sitting to save all beings; difference between Bodhisattva stage and Buddha stage. Nirvana, Bodhisattva Way, Mahayana, Passions, Balance, Peace |
Mar 28 1975 |
Discussions Nirvana, Attachment, confusion, realization, Samsara, Obstacles, Impermanence,... |
May 20 1973 Tassajara |
Discussions Oneness, Mahayana, Concentration, Mindfulness |
May 17 1973 Tassajara |
SF SeminarSerial: SF-00023 The Three Bodies of Buddha; comparison between Eastern and Western thought; Greek tradition and Puritan tradition. Faith, Mahayana, confusion, Religion, Passions, Doubt |
Mar 09 1973 1 |