Happiness Talks

Showing 172 talks

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Title Speaker

No Self

Serial: SF-00915

Sunday Lecture: zen sayings: "Who's dragging this corpse around?; sense of self - root of all suffering; need to understand no-self, not just conceptually; Buddhist tool kit...

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Karma, Ceremony, Happiness, Freedom, Doubt,...
Sep 17 2006
Green Gulch

Picking and Choosing

Suzuki Roshi, Buddha Nature, Big Mind, Bodhisattva Vow, Equanimity, Happiness,...
Sep 02 2006

You Are Perfect Just As You Are

Serial: SF-01065

Sunday Lecture: Good father/not a good father; improv - looking foolish and still feeling good; being fully yourself - responsible and flexible; simplicity of practice;...

Conversation, Greed, Suzuki Roshi, Global Warming, Happiness, Rumi, Delusion, Anger,...
Jun 18 2006
Green Gulch

Zendo Lecture

Liberation, resistance, Happiness, Karma, Suzuki Roshi, Addiction, Delusion, Evil,...
Jul 31 2005

Beans, Gratitude, Generosity

Serial: SF-01014

Sunday Lecture - Children's Lecture

Interdependence, confusion, Don't Know Mind, Commitment, Darkness and Light,...
Jul 03 2005
Green Gulch

Dining Room Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Suzuki Roshi, Zazen, Separation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Jun 24 2005

Small Potatoes

Serial: SF-01093

Sunday Lecture: "Just to be alive is enough" (Suzuki Roshi) - dissatisfaction even when we "have everything" - acedia/noonday sickness - spiritual dryness - "small potatoes" -...

Three Treasures, Vow, Suzuki Roshi, Samsara, Discrimination, Patience, Separation,...
Feb 27 2005
Green Gulch

Zendo Lecture

Ego, Buddha Nature, Hate, Precious Mirror, Faith, Instruction, Zoom, Delusion,...
Feb 02 2005

Lotus Sutra Class

Serial: SF-03560

Dining Room Class

Addiction, Lotus Sutra, Happiness, realization, Emptiness
Nov 27 2004

Shuso Talk

Serial: SF-01098


Book of Serenity, Diversity, Practice Period, Happiness, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Nov 10 2004
Green Gulch

Four Motivations For Practice

Serial: SF-00928

Sunday Lecture: 1- rare to be born as human; 2 - impermanence of life; 3 - the effect of actions; 4 - suffering of cyclical existence. What is the practice? Letting go of fear...

Liberation, Impermanence, Happiness, Aspects of Practice, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go...
Oct 17 2004
Green Gulch

Sitting Under The Rose-Apple Tree

Serial: SF-01016

Sunday Lecture

Balance, Darkness and Light, Bell, Commitment, Letting Go, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi,...
Oct 03 2004
Green Gulch

October 2nd, 2004, Serial No. 00980

Emotions, Impermanence, Emptiness, Intuition, Practice Period, Conversation,...
Oct 02 2004
City Center


Freedom, Silence, Conversation, Attachment, Balance, Happiness, Intimacy, Patience,...
Jan 31 2004
Green Gulch

December 13th, 2002, Serial No. 03924

Separation, Ceremony, Daily Life, Practice Period, Silence, Passions, Commitment,...
Dec 13 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-04013

Summer intensive

Demons, Hindrances, Delusion, Anger, Letting Go, Zazen, Doubt, Separation, Happiness...
Aug 01 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-04017

Summer intensive

Demons, Subject-and-Object, Letting Go, Separation, Emptiness, Soto Zen, Happiness,...
Jul 31 2002
City Center

June 29th, 2002, Serial No. 04021

Freedom, Birth-and-Death, Duality, Separation, realization, Obstacles, Absolute-and-...
Jun 29 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-00154

Wednesday talk.
Poem; anxiety about things finishing; expressing ourselves, failure, resentment.

Happiness, Monastic Practice, Don't Know Mind, Practice Period, Conversation,...
Jun 19 2002

Sunday Lecture

Emptiness, Concentration, Buddha's Birthday, Happiness, causation, Priest,...
Dec 02 2001
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Ceremony, Freedom, Intimacy, Impermanence, Mill Valley, Separation, Instruction,...
May 06 2001
Green Gulch

Rilke's 8th Duino Elegy

Serial: SF-03128

One-day Sitting: This tape belongs to the Everyday Zen Foundation Tape Club

Freedom, Dream World, Zendo, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go, Ego, Faith, Intimacy,...
Mar 10 2001
Walker Creek Ranch

Sunday Lecture

Posture, Balance, Suzuki Roshi, Zazen, Intuition, Gratitude, Instruction, Lay, Karma...
Dec 17 2000
Green Gulch

Saturday Lecture

Letting Go, Karma, Gratitude, Faith, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Nov 25 2000
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Ceremony, Cultivation, New Year, Gratitude, Impermanence, resistance, Balance,...
Nov 05 2000
Green Gulch

September 23rd, 2000, Serial No. 02734

confusion, Four Noble Truths, Interdependence, Renunciation, Buddha Ancestors,...
Sep 23 2000

Women Ancestors Class

Nirvana, Peace, Four Noble Truths, Ordination, Funeral, Demons, Lay, Happiness,...
Aug 08 2000

Sunday Lecture

Dependent Origination, Karma, causation, Happiness, Nirvana, Concentration,...
Jun 18 2000
Green Gulch

One-day Sitting Lecture

Karma, Posture, Zendo, Happiness, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go, Tassajara...
Jun 17 2000
Green Gulch

One-day Sitting Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Perfect Wisdom, Interview, Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, Gratitude,...
May 13 2000
Green Gulch

Sesshin Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Zendo, Composure, Practice Period, Interview, true dharma, Chanting,...
Apr 13 2000
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Six Realms, Suzuki Roshi, Right Effort, Enemies, Equanimity, Right Speech, Happiness...
Mar 15 2000
Green Gulch

December 5th, 1999, Serial No. 03927

Hindrances, Doubt, Emotions, Enthusiasm, Emptiness, Greed, Silence, Attachment,...
Dec 05 1999
City Center

One-day Sitting Lecture

Greed, Offering, Lotus Sutra, Bodhidharma, Liberation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center...
Sep 18 1999
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Right Speech, Addiction, Freedom, Liberation, Right Effort, Bodhisattva Precepts,...
Aug 08 1999
Green Gulch


Separation, Non-duality, Zendo, realization, Peace, Concentration, Happiness,...
Jul 24 1999

Sunday Lecture

Right Speech, Freedom, Precepts, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Conversation, Priest,...
Jul 04 1999
Green Gulch
