Ordination Talks

Ordination is the process by which individuals are consecrated, that is, set apart and elevated from the laity class to the clergy, who are thus then authorized (usually by the denominational hierarchy composed of other clergy) to perform various religious rites and ceremonies. The process and ceremonies of ordination vary by religion and denomination. One who is in preparation for, or who is undergoing the process of ordination is sometimes called an ordinand. The liturgy used at an ordination is commonly found in a book known as an Ordinal which provides the ordo (ritual and rubrics) for celebrations.

From ordination on Wikipedia

Showing 55 talks

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Title Speaker

On Dharma Transmission

Serial: SF-03486

Zendo Lecture - duplicate

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Ceremony, Practice Period, Concentration, Priest,...
May 02 2005

On Dharma Transmission

Serial: SF-03519

Zendo Lecture

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Ceremony, Practice Period, Concentration, Priest,...
May 02 2005

On Dharma Transmission

Serial: SF-03544

Zendo Lecture - duplicate

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Ceremony, Practice Period, Concentration, Priest,...
May 02 2005

Shuso Talk

Serial: SF-01098


Book of Serenity, Diversity, Practice Period, Happiness, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Nov 10 2004
Green Gulch

Shuso Talk

Serial: SF-01897


Practice Period, training, Peace, Commitment, New Year, Politics, Birth-and-Death,...
Oct 13 2004

Sacred Space

Serial: SF-01097

Sunday Lecture

Manjushri, Emptiness, Half-Smile, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi, Birth-and-Death, Gratitude...
Jul 25 2004
Green Gulch

Weaving Zen Through Life's Stages

Practice Period, training, Conversation, Dharma Transmission, Ordination, Commitment...
Oct 08 2003

Beginner's Mind, Infinite Enlightenment

Serial: SF-00079

Zendo Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Separation, Letting Go, Intimacy, Liberation, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Aug 10 2003

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-01101

Daigan's dream last night. Way to listen to a dharma talk. Practice period. Why people come. Things. Material things.

Practice Period, Monastic Practice, Precepts, Buddha Ancestors, Delusion, Priest,...
Feb 23 2003
Green Gulch

Children's Lecture

Serial: SF-01070

Mayumi's childhood, planting beans, patience, zen in action, original - rising up, the miracle of water, Suzuki Roshi, non-violent intent, 'man alive', stream of violence and...

Peace, Vow, Ordination, Commitment, Don't Know Mind, Ceremony, Patience, Priest...
Jun 02 2002
Green Gulch

Women Ancestors Class

Nirvana, Peace, Four Noble Truths, Ordination, Funeral, Demons, Lay, Happiness,...
Aug 08 2000

Sunday Lecture

Ordination, Offering, Precepts, Three Treasures, Ceremony, true dharma, Buddha Mind,...
Jul 23 2000
Green Gulch

Women Ancestors

Lineage, Ordination, Soto Zen, Bodhisattva Vow, Funeral, Obstacles, Gratitude,...
May 13 2000

Wednesday Lecture

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Ordination, Suzuki Roshi, Patience, Liberation, Zazen...
May 03 2000
Green Gulch

Surangama Sutra Class

Precepts, Don't Know Mind, Commitment, Ceremony, Birth-and-Death, Ordination,...
May 02 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Dragons, New Year, Offering, Ceremony, Renewal, Suzuki Roshi, Ordination,...
Feb 06 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Four Noble Truths, Anger, Ordination, Right Effort, Right Speech, Letting Go, Peace,...
Jul 12 1998
Green Gulch

Zen Transformed: From Celibate to Married

Serial: SF-01800

Gil (Intro)

Suzuki Roshi, Soto Zen, Priest, Study Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
May 30 1998
Sati Center

Origins of Zen

Lotus Sutra, Ordination, Faith, Mahayana, Evil, Karma, Freedom, Separation, Offering...
May 17 1998

Origins of Zen

Silent Illumination, Transmission, Lineage, training, Ordination, Mahayana, Offering...
May 16 1998

Sudden Enlightenment in Chan History

Buddha Mind, Platform Sutra, Lineage, New Year, Ordination, Evil, Priest, Anger, Hate...
Apr 26 1998

Precepts Class

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Priest, Ceremony, Vow, Ordination, Lay, Mahayana,...
Oct 20 1997
Green Gulch

Willingness To Be With Our Difficulties

Hate, Four Noble Truths, Suzuki Roshi, Right Speech, Conversation, resistance,...
Dec 28 1996

Including The Unincluded

Serial: SF-03136

Sunday Lecture - life, the path as the neverending journey of inclusiom that starts with ourselves where we are now, where we have been and from there just goes deep and deeper...

Forgiveness, Practice Period, Silence, Offering, Anger, Diversity, Ordination, Peace...
Oct 13 1996
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Hsin Hsin Ming, Zazen, Ordination, Practice Period, Obstacles, Mahayana, Anger,...
Aug 14 1996

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-03636

Cassette side B is labeled for a Sunday talk by Tenshin Reb Anderson on the same date - incorrect

Practice Period, Ordination, Perfect Wisdom, Zendo, Emptiness, Ceremony, Monastic...
Mar 24 1996
Green Gulch

Ascending the Mountain

Serial: SF-03563

Sunday Lecture - Children's talk - before Blanche Hartman's Installation ceremony - throne and dharma are etymologically connected in Sanskrit - taking your seat in dharma...

Ceremony, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Attachment, Priest, Suzuki Roshi, Ordination...
Feb 04 1996
Green Gulch

Women in Buddhism Class

Six Realms, Offering, Balance, Conversation, Ordination, Teacher-and-Student, Don...
Nov 20 1995

Women in Buddhism Class

Religion, Ceremony, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Precepts, Priest, Ordination, Suzuki Roshi...
Oct 30 1995

Sunday Lecture

Ordination, Happiness, Equanimity, Attachment, Conversation, Cultivation, Liberation...
Mar 28 1993
Green Gulch

Women in Japanese Soto Zen

Serial: SF-00097

Author reading from her book on the subject.

Soto Zen, training, Monastic Practice, Ordination, Ceremony, Religion, Lay, Emptiness...
Nov 25 1992

Form and Inanimate Objects Teaching the Dharma

Serial: SF-00947

Sesshin Day 2 #shuso-talk

Ceremony, Bowing, Ordination, Bell, Suzuki Roshi, Zazen, Soto Zen, Concentration,...
Apr 11 1991

Living the Illusion of Separation

Precepts, Observe, Concentration, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Delusion, Suzuki Roshi...
Dec 15 1990

Sunday Lecture

Emotions, Anger, Renunciation, Ordination, Daily Life, Half-Smile, Ceremony,...
Oct 09 1988
Green Gulch

Zen's Journey: Roots and Routes

Bodhidharma, Monastic Practice, Ordination, Doubt, Religion, Mahayana, Interview,...
Apr 25 1988

The First Grave Precept

Serial: SF-00026

Not Killing

Precepts, Buddha Nature, Peace, Heart Sutra, Politics, realization, Mahayana,...
Aug 04 1983
2 of 3

Dynamic Harmony of Gender Archetypes

Balance, Separation, Equanimity, Priest, Religion, Peace, Lay, Doubt, Ordination,...
Jan 27 1980

First Type of Consciousness

Karma, Delusion, Happiness, Precepts, Hate, Balance, Forgiveness, Ordination, Observe...
May 16 1973

Observation of Precepts and Practice of Zazen is Same Thing

Serial: SF-06049

Sesshin Lecture No. 1
Saturday, August 1, 1970
San Francisco

Sesshin, Precepts, Precepts, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Faith, Ceremony, Ordination, Lay,...
Aug 01 1970
City Center

Translating Buddhism Across Cultures

Serial: SF-05079B

Lecture that was recorded over for 05079-A

Priest, Ceremony, New Year, Ordination, Sangha, Mahayana, Hate

Buddhism's Journey: India to America

Serial: SF-05424


New Year, Ordination, Mahayana, Priest, Ceremony, Addiction, Anger, Doubt, Religion...
