Green Gulch Talks

Showing 383 talks

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Title Speaker

Genjo Koan workshop

Birth-and-Death, Attachment, Letting Go, Dependent Origination, Separation, Funeral,...
Jun 14 1997
Green Gulch

Dharma As Medicine

Serial: SF-03621

Sunday Lecture, children's talk: good medicine (cabin) anything remarkable, beautiful, unique, like a gift from nature that anyone was able to see or feel; in quiet you are...

Book of Serenity, Impermanence, Three Treasures, realization, true dharma, Samadhi,...
Jun 01 1997
Green Gulch

Mothers' Day

Serial: SF-03101

Sunday Lecture: being born from a mother guarantees two ingredients, a bit of love and suffering, both necessary for enlightenment. The essential point of zen is questioning;...

Manjushri, Commitment, Karma, Four Noble Truths, Letting Go, Religion, zen meditation...
May 11 1997
Green Gulch

Buddha's Birthday

Serial: SF-03098

Sunday Lecture

Buddha's Birthday, Ceremony, Bell, Heart Sutra, Humility, Chanting, Renewal,...
Apr 06 1997
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Big Mind, Ceremony, Buddha Mind, Suzuki Roshi, Right Speech, Practice Period,...
Mar 09 1997
Green Gulch

No Species Is Only Itself

Serial: SF-03103

Sunday Lecture: Tigers are awesome, unchained wildness; species are disappearing; every species exists as an important factor in the world of many other species; for humans,...

Forgiveness, Dream World, Mindfulness, Ego, Four Foundations, Commitment, Beginners,...
Mar 02 1997
Green Gulch

Journey from Prince to Plum Blossom

Serial: SF-03623

Sunday Lecture

Practice Period, Mindfulness, Precepts, Funeral, Obstacles, Vow, Priest, Freedom...
Feb 02 1997
Green Gulch

On Breath and Breathing

Serial: SF-03114

Sunday Lecture - if you pick up one piece of dust, the whole universe comes with it

Emotions, Mindfulness, zen meditation, Four Noble Truths, confusion, Hindrances,...
Jan 12 1997
Green Gulch

On The Dharma Transmission Ceremony

Serial: SF-03638

Sunday Lecture

Transmission, Ceremony, Vow, Intimacy, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Teacher-and-...
Dec 15 1996
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-03106

Sunday Lecture

Manjushri, Samadhi, Oneness, confusion, Darkness and Light, Perfect Wisdom, Intimacy...
Dec 01 1996
Green Gulch

Sandokai Class

Evil, Religion, Funeral, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Discrimination, Suzuki Roshi...
Nov 25 1996
Green Gulch

Sandokai Class

Serial: SF-03177

Like forward and backwards steps - phenomenon exist like box and cover joining, principle accords like arrows points meeting

Oneness, Suzuki Roshi, Absolute-and-Relative, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Nov 19 1996
Green Gulch

Lessons From the Movie 'Secrets and Lies'

Serial: SF-03215

One-day sitting

Mindfulness, Commitment, Practice Period, Equanimity, Emotions, Letting Go, Posture,...
Nov 16 1996
Green Gulch

Sandokai Class

Oneness, Darkness and Light, Practice Period, Separation, Karma, Emptiness, Politics...
Nov 13 1996
Green Gulch

Sandokai Class

Discrimination, Oneness, Darkness and Light, Letting Go, Branching Streams,...
Nov 05 1996
Green Gulch

Sandokai Class

Oneness, Interdependence, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Politics, Delusion,...
Oct 29 1996
Green Gulch

Which is the Real Shin?

Serial: SF-03135

Sunday Lecture - Seeing and understanding desire

Ceremony, Forgiveness, Addiction, Practice Period, Demons, confusion, Hate,...
Oct 27 1996
Green Gulch

Being Open To Life's Process As It Is

Serial: SF-03216

One-day sitting

Posture, Intimacy, Zazen, resistance, Ego, Greed, Concentration, Instruction, Zendo,...
Oct 19 1996
Green Gulch

Including The Unincluded

Serial: SF-03136

Sunday Lecture - life, the path as the neverending journey of inclusiom that starts with ourselves where we are now, where we have been and from there just goes deep and deeper...

Forgiveness, Practice Period, Silence, Offering, Anger, Diversity, Ordination, Peace...
Oct 13 1996
Green Gulch

Jewel Mirror Samadhi Class

Five Ranks, Delusion, Lotus Sutra, Soto Zen, Observe, Forgiveness, Separation,...
Oct 07 1996
Green Gulch

Jewel Mirror Samadhi Class

Five Ranks, Delusion, Absolute-and-Relative, Attachment, Emptiness, Soto Zen, Right...
Oct 03 1996
Green Gulch

The Eight Stages of Monastic Life

Serial: SF-03132

Sunday Lecture - monastic way of wholeness, a sacred way, a sacred place, a clear pace that lives at the bottom of our hearts and is reflected back to us in a religious life....

Monastic Practice, Lineage, Commitment, Letting Go, Practice Period, Renunciation,...
Sep 29 1996
Green Gulch

Jewel Mirror Samadhi Class

Precious Mirror, Delusion, Teacher-and-Student, Freedom, Letting Go, Attachment,...
Sep 24 1996
Green Gulch

The Five Skandhas

Serial: SF-03634

One-day sitting

Skandas, Interview, Balance, Heart Sutra, Attachment, Manjushri, Lotus Sutra, Soto...
Sep 21 1996
Green Gulch

Jewel Mirror Samadhi Class

confusion, Four Noble Truths, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Absolute-and-Relative, Five Ranks,...
Sep 10 1996
Green Gulch

Secret Teachers In Life Who Guide Us

Serial: SF-03639

Sunday Lecture

Priest, Attachment, Precepts, training, Global Warming, Funeral, Balance, Anger,...
Sep 08 1996
Green Gulch

How To Continue Your Practice After Sesshin

Serial: SF-03631

Sunday Lecture - taking our understanding, our effort, into daily life

Daily Life, training, Don't Know Mind, Anger, Emotions, Impermanence, Hate,...
Aug 25 1996
Green Gulch

August Sesshin

First Principle, Zendo, realization, Impermanence, Offering, Instruction, Emotions,...
Aug 12 1996
Green Gulch

Making Distinctions

Serial: SF-03113

Sunday Lecture

Balance, Hsin Hsin Ming, Suzuki Roshi, Lay, training, Conversation, Emotions,...
Aug 11 1996
Green Gulch

Cultivating A Spiritual Curiosity

Serial: SF-03937

Sunday Lecture - that helps us see clearly what's in front of us - inside and outside

Observe, Conversation, Happiness, Equanimity, Cultivation, Anger, Suzuki Roshi,...
Jul 07 1996
Green Gulch

Lotus Sutra Class

Serial: SF-03193

Chapters 15, 16, 25, 26, 2t

Lotus Sutra, Gratitude, Demons, Birth-and-Death, Religion, Manjushri, Faith, Ceremony...
May 28 1996
Green Gulch

Practice of Zazen

Serial: SF-03138

Sunday Lecture

Zazen, zen meditation, Ceremony, Bell, Interview, Greed, Letting Go, Posture,...
May 26 1996
Green Gulch

Lotus Sutra Class

Lotus Sutra, Nirvana, Evil, Manjushri, Dragons, Vow, Buddha Nature, Emptiness,...
May 23 1996
Green Gulch

Lotus Sutra Class

Lotus Sutra, Nirvana, Emptiness, Offering, Four Noble Truths, Birth-and-Death,...
May 21 1996
Green Gulch

Taking Care of Oneself, Others and Objects of the World

Serial: SF-02752

One-day sitting - Buddhist practice is just taking care of people, objects, spaces, body and mind.

Priest, Buddha Nature, Precepts, Nirvana Sutra, Bowing, Transmission, Buddha Mind,...
May 18 1996
Green Gulch

A Sense of Vision Giving a Sense of Purpose in Life

Serial: SF-03228

Sunday lecture

Interdependence, Lotus Sutra, Happiness, Nirvana, Silence, Peace, true dharma,...
May 05 1996
Green Gulch

Old Age, Sickness and Death

Serial: SF-03633

One-day sitting - Katagiri in Returning To Silence - Three kinds of thirsting desire

Two Truths, Four Noble Truths, Emptiness, Funeral, Zazen, Continuous Practice,...
Apr 20 1996
Green Gulch

Lotus Sutra Class

Serial: SF-03223

Context of the Lotus Sutra - history of Hinayana and Mahayana texts - stylistic differences of - history of Lotus Sutra - key elements/doctrine of sutra - key elements of...

Lotus Sutra, Nirvana, Manjushri, Mahayana, Demons, Offering, Avalokiteshvara,...
Apr 07 1996
Green Gulch

Buddha's Birthday

Buddha's Birthday, Renewal, Offering, Ceremony, Bell, Heart Sutra, Nirvana,...
Apr 07 1996
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-03636

Cassette side B is labeled for a Sunday talk by Tenshin Reb Anderson on the same date - incorrect

Practice Period, Ordination, Perfect Wisdom, Zendo, Emptiness, Ceremony, Monastic...
Mar 24 1996
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-03572

Includes Q&A

Blue Cliff Record, Evil, Absolute-and-Relative, Religion, Don't Know Mind,...
Mar 17 1996
Green Gulch

The Angulimala Story

Serial: SF-03226

Sunday Lecture - Children's talk

true dharma, Enemies, Karma, Letting Go, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Anger, Daily...
Mar 03 1996
Green Gulch

Ascending the Mountain

Serial: SF-03563

Sunday Lecture - Children's talk - before Blanche Hartman's Installation ceremony - throne and dharma are etymologically connected in Sanskrit - taking your seat in dharma...

Ceremony, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Attachment, Priest, Suzuki Roshi, Ordination...
Feb 04 1996
Green Gulch

Practice of Patience

Serial: SF-03225

Sunday Lecture

Global Warming, Patience, Practice Period, Ego, confusion, Emotions, Gratitude, Peace...
Jan 21 1996
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Practice Period, Letting Go, Enthusiasm, Addiction, New Year, confusion, Patience,...
Jan 06 1996
Green Gulch

The Greater Discourse and the Destruction of Craving

Serial: SF-03231

Sunday Lecture

Anger, Silence, Letting Go, Bell, Happiness, confusion, Suzuki Roshi, Bodhisattva...
Nov 19 1995
Green Gulch

Finding Our Real Seat In Zazen

Serial: SF-03217

One-day sitting

Zazen, Posture, Balance, Vow, Dragons, Observe, Instruction, Avalokiteshvara,...
Nov 18 1995
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-03626

Our practice and our efforts that we make towards peace within ourselves and within our lives

Practice Period, Birth-and-Death, Karma, Emptiness, Giving-and-Taking, Zazen,...
Nov 05 1995
Green Gulch

Hungry Ghosts - Seijiki Ceremony

Serial: SF-03093

Sunday Lecture

Four Noble Truths, Ceremony, Letting Go, Peace, Vow, Commitment, resistance, Precepts...
Oct 29 1995
Green Gulch

Causes and Conditions

Serial: SF-03660

One-day sitting

Emptiness, Posture, Book of Serenity, Subject-and-Object, realization, Buddha Nature...
Oct 14 1995
Green Gulch
