Avalokiteshvara Talks
Showing 17 talks
Title | Speaker | |
Sunday LectureSerial: SF-04039 Listening without judgement, compassion, what hinders our ability, fear of not being helpful, generosity, 98% is about me, reflective listening, cultivate spaciousness, arguing... Cultivation, Conversation, training, Observe, Precepts, Avalokiteshvara, Zendo,... |
Jun 30 2002 Green Gulch |
Beyond Silence: The Zen Connection Heart Sutra, Posture, Avalokiteshvara, Suzuki Roshi, Zazen, training, Dragons,... |
Jan 26 2002 City Center |
Compassion and Transformation: A Bodhisattva's Journey Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Emptiness, Cultivation, Nirvana, Heart Sutra, Zazen, Freedom,... |
Jan 19 2002 City Center |
One-day Sitting Lecture Birth-and-Death, Perfect Wisdom, Interview, Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, Gratitude,... |
May 13 2000 Green Gulch |
Spring SesshinSerial: SF-02729 Saturday Repentance, Letting Go, Peace, Perfect Wisdom, Vow, Heart Sutra, Ceremony, Observe,... |
Mar 28 1998 Unknown |
Lotus Sutra Class Lotus Sutra, Nirvana, Evil, Manjushri, Dragons, Vow, Buddha Nature, Emptiness,... |
May 23 1996 Green Gulch |
Lotus Sutra ClassSerial: SF-03223 Context of the Lotus Sutra - history of Hinayana and Mahayana texts - stylistic differences of - history of Lotus Sutra - key elements/doctrine of sutra - key elements of... Lotus Sutra, Nirvana, Manjushri, Mahayana, Demons, Offering, Avalokiteshvara,... |
Apr 07 1996 Green Gulch |
Finding Our Real Seat In ZazenSerial: SF-03217 One-day sitting Zazen, Posture, Balance, Vow, Dragons, Observe, Instruction, Avalokiteshvara,... |
Nov 18 1995 Green Gulch |
Jizo BodhisattvaSerial: SF-04001 Sunday Lecture - Includes Q&A and discussion Ceremony, Cultivation, Anger, Death-and-Dying, Funeral, Avalokiteshvara, Conversation... |
Jun 11 1995 Green Gulch |
Saturday Lecture Heart Sutra, Bodhisattva Way, Bowing, Avalokiteshvara, Lotus Sutra, Soto Zen, Duality... |
May 08 1993 City Center |
Sunday Lecture Ordination, Happiness, Equanimity, Attachment, Conversation, Cultivation, Liberation... |
Mar 28 1993 Green Gulch |
Suffering, Healing and HappinessSerial: SF-03964 Sunday Lecture Happiness, Ceremony, Aspects of Practice, Suzuki Roshi, Lay, Avalokiteshvara,... |
Jun 24 1990 Green Gulch |
The Bodhisattva ArchetypeSerial: SF-00002 Sunday Lecture Manjushri, Nirvana, Vow, Non-duality, Perfect Wisdom, training, Daily Life, Passions... |
Aug 03 1986 Green Gulch Farm |
Buddhism and Psychotherapy Anger, Mindfulness, Birth-and-Death, Peace, Concentration, Avalokiteshvara, Non-... |
Buddhism and Psychotherapy Attachment, Observe, Anger, Buddha Nature, Mindfulness, Delusion, Heart Sutra,... |
Dharma Talk - ThursdaySerial: SF-04813 Commercially Produced cassette: Sounds True - - Pain, Love and Happiness with Thich Nhat Hanh - September 1-6 1997 Sponsored by the Community of Mindful Living Happiness, Anger, Peace, Offering, Freedom, training, Concentration, Conversation,... |
Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 4Serial: SF-03514 Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette Politics, true dharma, Daily Life, Interview, Offering, Lay, Avalokiteshvara,... |