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Showing 1926 talks

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Title Speaker Date

Ceremony Officially Opening Beginner's Mind Temple

Serial: SF-05995 This is the bulk of the ceremony, with speakers other than Suzuki Roshi, in Japanese and English -
training, Gratitude, Zoom, Ceremony, Obstacles, Observe, Silence, Enemies, Evil, Precepts...
Apr 25 1970
City Center

How To Have Sincere Practice

Serial: SR-00145 Suzuki Roshi edited from longer recording. -
Building, Community, Meditation, Zendo, Obstacles, Interview, Silence, Breath, training, zen...
Apr 25 1970
City Center

Remarks at the Ceremony Officially Opening Beginner's Mind Temple

Serial: SF-05996 These are Suzuki Roshi's words, edited together out of longer recording of ceremony. -
Ceremony, Offering
Apr 25 1970
City Center

April 21st, 1970, Serial No. 00228

Serial: KR-00228 -
Buddha Mind, Impermanence, Don't Know Mind, Interview, Enemies, Community, training, Hate...
Apr 21 1970

Buddha's Birthday Lecture

Serial: SR-00160 -
Ceremony, Ceremony
Apr 12 1970
City Center

April 12th, 1970, Serial No. 00226

Serial: KR-00226 -
Hate, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Enemies, difficulty, Attachment, lecture, Demons,...
Apr 12 1970

April 11th, 1970, Serial No. 00225

Serial: KR-00225 -
Hate, lecture, Building, Happiness, Compassion
Apr 11 1970

April 10th, 1970, Serial No. 00224

Serial: KR-00224 -
realization, stubbornness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Ego, Happiness
Apr 10 1970

April 9th, 1970, Serial No. 00199

Serial: KR-00199 -
Religion, Pain, Happiness, Lotus Sutra, Ceremony, Meditation, Passions, Enemies, Liberation,...
Apr 09 1970

April 9th, 1970, Serial No. 00223

Serial: KR-00223 -
Evil, Nirvana, Religion, Meditation, realization, stubbornness, Fox, Conversation, Karma,...
Apr 09 1970

April 7th, 1970, Serial No. 00201

Serial: KR-00201 -
Birth-and-Death, Religion, Lotus Sutra, Building, realization, training, Discrimination...
Apr 07 1970

April 7th, 1970, Serial No. 00200

Serial: KR-00200 -
Happiness, Religion, Repentance, Intention, Bell, Ceremony, Attachment, Fasting, Vow,...
Apr 07 1970

April 5th, 1970, Serial No. 00202

Serial: KR-00202 -
Meditation, Fox, Compassion
Apr 05 1970

April 5th, 1970, Serial No. 00203

Serial: KR-00203 -
Compassion, Meditation
Apr 05 1970

April 3rd, 1970, Serial No. 00230

Serial: KR-00230 -
Interdependence, Don't Know Mind, Silence, Meditation, Gratitude, Rinzai, Mahayana,...
Apr 03 1970

April 1st, 1970, Serial No. 00204

Serial: KR-00204 -
Anger, Concentration, Breath, Happiness, Meditation, Hate, Fox, Oneness, Pain...
Apr 01 1970

The Zen of Going to the Rest Room

Serial: SR-00144 -
Ummon, Tangaryo, Culture, Monastic Practice, Suffering, American, Don't Know Mind, Big...
Mar 29 1970
City Center

Way-Seeking Mind

Serial: SF-05361 Saturday Lecture Of March Sesshin Saturday, March 28, 1970 San Francisco -
Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Monastic Practice, Peace
Mar 28 1970
City Center

March 16th, 1970, Serial No. 00205

Serial: KR-00205 -
Hate, lecture, Consciousness
Mar 16 1970

Our Everyday Life Is Like A Movie

Serial: SR-00155 -
Anger, Instruction, Meditation, Posture, Observe, sitting
Mar 15 1970
City Center

March 12th, 1970, Serial No. 00206

Serial: KR-00206 -
Silence, Pain, Delusion, Don't Know Mind, Suffering, Bell, lecture, resistance, Community...
Mar 12 1970

Letters From Emptiness

Serial: SR-00156 How to Understand the Idea of Emptiness Sunday, March 8, 1970 San Francisco -
Emptiness, reality, Doubt, training, Enemies
Mar 08 1970
City Center

Lecture To Prof. Lewis R. Lancaster's Visiting Class

Serial: SR-00259 Practice and enlightnment as forgetting and letting go of everything. Even if we don't know what real practice is, continuing and allowing it to reveal itself. Answering student questions. Posture of zazen. -
Buddha, Emptiness, Zazen, Don't Know Mind, Emptiness, Building, Suzuki Roshi, zen,...
Mar 01 1970

Practice To Be Like A Stone

Serial: SF-06125 SR-70-02-28 Sesshin lecture #6 (last lecture) - followed by service #2 for Trudy Dixon NB - is 1970 despite the year added to the photos -
Don't Know Mind, Composure, Diversity, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, training...
Feb 28 1970
City Center

Non-Dualistic Practice

Serial: SR-00260 Sesshin Lecture No. 3: Wednesday, February 25, 1970 San Francisco -
Sesshin, Big Mind, difficulty, zen, Duality, Karma, Anger, Mahayana, training, Emptiness,...
Feb 25 1970
City Center

Selflessness, Being and Non-Being: The Background of Shikantaza

Serial: SR-00261 Sesshin Lecture No. 1: Monday, February 23, 1970 San Francisco -
Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Emptiness, Evil, Mahayana, Posture, Freedom, Continuous Practice,...
Feb 23 1970
City Center

The Background of Shikantaza

Serial: SR-00256 -
Pain, Observe, Consciousness, Posture, sitting
Feb 22 1970
City Center

“An Unsurpassed, Penetrating Buddha”

Serial: SR-00257 -
Emptiness, Subject-and-Object, Interdependence, Observe, Community, Hate, Forms, reality,...
Feb 08 1970

Brown Rice is Just Right

Serial: SR-00247 Morning Sesshin Lecture Sunday, February 1, 1970 City Center -
Sesshin, Emptiness, Discrimination, Buddha Nature, training, Hate, Suffering, Pain, reality,...
Feb 01 1970
City Center

Each One Of Us Is A Cook

Serial: SR-00258 Afternoon Sesshin Tea Lecture Sunday, February 1, 1970 -
Sesshin, Emptiness, Forms, Compassion, Pain
Feb 01 1970

February 1970 talk, Serial No. 00207

Serial: KR-00207 -
Pain, Suffering, Compassion, Hate, Transmission, Ceremony, Meditation
Feb 1970

February 1970 talk, Serial No. 00208

Serial: KR-00208 -
Bell, Discrimination, Hate, lecture, Subject-and-Object, Addiction, Interdependence, Offering...
Feb 1970

Our Effort In Our Practice

Serial: SR-00248 -
Instruction, lecture, Observe, difficulty, sitting
Jan 31 1970
City Center

Caring for the Soil

Serial: SR-00199 Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism Sunday, January 25, 1970 San Francisco -
Emptiness, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, difficulty, Greed, Gratitude, lecture, Hate...
Jan 25 1970
City Center


Serial: SF-06038 -
Dogen, Posture, Balance, Doubt, Faith
Jan 18 1970
City Center

Ordination Ceremony: Bill Kwong and Silas Hoadley

Serial: SR-00069-C -
Ceremony, Priest, Ceremony, American
Jan 11 1970
City Center

Respect for Things

Serial: SR-00200 What Is Our Practice? Sunday, January 4, 1970 San Francisco Practice as taking care of everything. Not making a noise with the chairs. Practice with new people coming to City Center. Extending the spirit of the zendo to everyday... -
Zendo, Bodhisattva Way, Big Mind, Building, Concentration, difficulty, Sutra, Bowing, Offering...
Jan 04 1970
City Center

December 28th, 1969, Serial No. 00043

Serial: KR-00043 -
training, New Year, Don't Know Mind, difficulty, Buddha Nature, Meditation, Chanting,...
Dec 28 1969

Fundamental Buddhist Point: To Adjust Ourselves To Our Surroundings

Serial: SR-00192 Adjusting to life at City Center. Cleaning and zazen. Do we need furniture to practice? -
Dogen, Eiheiji, Zazen, Culture, Building, sitting
Dec 21 1969
City Center

Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SF-05964 Friday, December 5, 1969 Previously described as intranscribable - now clearer ----- File name: 69-12-05N: untitled level low. [Verbatim transcript not available. (Sound problem.)] -
Ceremony, Shosan, Sixth Patriarch, Big Mind, Letting Go, Separation, Attachment, Dragons,...
Dec 05 1969

Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 6

Serial: SR-00201 -
Sesshin, Ceremony, Freedom, Observe, Wisdom, Oneness, Beginners, training, Precepts, zen...
Dec 04 1969

December 4th, 1969, Serial No. 00041

Serial: KR-00041 -
Evil, Happiness, Religion, Addiction, Birth-and-Death, Delusion, Discrimination, Suffering...
Dec 04 1969

Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 5

Serial: SR-00202 Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 5 Wednesday, December 3, 1969 Tassajara -
Sesshin, Bodhisattva, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Oneness, Ceremony, Precepts, Wisdom...
Dec 03 1969

Practice Should Not Be Perfect, So Descendants Have Something To Do

Serial: SR-00203 Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 4 Tuesday, December 2, 1969 -
Sesshin, Dogen, Building, difficulty, Monastic Practice, Transmission, Zazen, Breath, Anger,...
Dec 02 1969

December 2nd, 1969, Serial No. 00040

Serial: KR-00040 -
lecture, difficulty, Perfect Wisdom, Balance, Don't Know Mind, Meditation, Posture,...
Dec 02 1969

Way-Seeking Mind, Part III

Serial: SR-00194 Winter Sesshin, Day 3, Lecture No. 3 Monday, December 1, 1969 Tassajara -
Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Bodhisattva Vow, Big Mind, difficulty, Vow, heart, Monks, Priest,...
Dec 01 1969

Way-Seeking Mind, Part II

Serial: SR-00266 Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 2 Sunday, November 30, 1969 Tassajara -
Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Buddha Mind, Don't Know Mind, Big Mind, Intention, Beginners,...
Nov 30 1969

November 30th, 1969, Serial No. 00039

Serial: KR-00039 -
Ceremony, Delusion, American, Religion
Nov 30 1969

Way-Seeking Mind, Part I

Serial: SR-00267 Winter Sesshin, Lecture No. 1 Saturday, November 29, 1969 Tassajara -
Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, reality, Faith
Nov 29 1969

Pinch Hitter

Serial: SR-00268 Tuesday, November 25, 1969 Evening Lecture City Center, San Francisco [Katagiri spoke before Suzuki. SR portion starts at 42:52. -
Wisdom, zen, Truth, Zazen, Priest, American, Delusion, Meditation, Greed, heart...
Nov 25 1969
City Center
