Allen Ginsberg Talks

Showing 5 talks

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Title Speaker

Poetry, Love, and Spiritual Rebellion

Lay, Ordinary Mind, Passions, Bodhisattva Vow, Emptiness, Commitment, Balance,...
Sep 28 1981

Allen Ginsberg and Musicians

Serial: SF-00105

Musical event.

Attachment, Instruction, Obstacles, Offering, Vow, Anger, Religion
Feb 22 1972
City Center

Allen Ginsberg and Musicians

Serial: SF-00106

Musical event

Feb 22 1972
City Center

Allen Ginsberg and Musicians

Serial: SF-00107

Musical event

Obstacles, Vow, Instruction, Greed, Chanting, Passions, Offering, Attachment, Karma...
Feb 22 1972
City Center

Allen Ginsberg and Musicians

Serial: SF-00108

Musical event

Samsara, Bell
Feb 22 1972
City Center