Humility Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Being UncomfortableSerial: SF-01092 Sunday Lecture: What do we do when we become uncomfortable?; comfort - in body, mind, relationships - are focus of our consumerism; suffering = constant need to be fed;... Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Practice Period, Silence, Zendo, Suzuki Roshi, Zazen,... |
Mar 25 2007 Green Gulch |
The Teachings of Chao ChouSerial: SF-00927 Sunday Lecture: the stories of Chao Chou; Hsin Hsin Ming - koan("I alone am the World-Honored One"); mu - cutting through yes and no; not holding to preferences Discrimination, Blue Cliff Record, Buddha's Birthday, Ordinary Mind, Buddha... |
Mar 11 2007 Green Gulch |
Way-Seeking Mind Transmission, Dharma Transmission, Lay Practice, Suzuki Roshi, Doubt, Humility,... |
Mar 15 2005 Tassajara |
EthicsSerial: SF-00984 Sunday lecture: Morality. Hedonists, perfectionists. College days. John Adams. Strawberry/cliff story. Wrong-doing = causing harm to oneself or others. Ten grave precepts. Gay... Precepts, Delusion, Freedom, Three Treasures, Bodhisattva Precepts, Humility,... |
Jun 29 2003 Green Gulch |
Being Present: The Zen Challenge Delusion, Hate, Buddha Mind, Gratitude, Buddha Nature, Commitment, Conversation, Vow... |
Dec 02 2002 City Center |
Sunday LectureSerial: SF-00981 Buddhist culture rooting in California, purpose of ZC, banana in his back pocket, Puccini, motherhood, livelihood, Buddhahood, statuary invoking our higher purpose, Bodhisattva... Bodhisattva Precepts, Ceremony, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi, Perfect Wisdom, Three... |
Jul 21 2002 Green Gulch |
Zen and Poetry ClassSerial: SF-01142 Life and Poetry - Ryokan, Didactic Poems - Writing without adjectives/adverbs Right Speech, Transmission, Buddha Ancestors, Emptiness, Letting Go, stubbornness,... |
Mar 05 2002 Green Gulch |
Compassion and Transformation: A Bodhisattva's Journey Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Emptiness, Cultivation, Nirvana, Heart Sutra, Zazen, Freedom,... |
Jan 19 2002 City Center |
Sunday Lecture Two Truths, Four Noble Truths, Humility, Buddha Ancestors, New Year, Liberation,... |
Dec 30 2001 Green Gulch |
Arbor DaySerial: SF-01069 Sunday Lecture Humility, Mindfulness, Vow, Lotus Sutra, Commitment, Practice Period, Attachment,... |
Feb 18 2001 Green Gulch |
Saturday Lecture Letting Go, Karma, Gratitude, Faith, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Nov 25 2000 City Center |
Meditation's Cosmic Dance of Energy Vow, Emotions, Letting Go, Humility, Emptiness, Sangha, Patience, resistance,... |
Dec 01 1999 City Center |
Buddha's BirthdaySerial: SF-03098 Sunday Lecture Buddha's Birthday, Ceremony, Bell, Heart Sutra, Humility, Chanting, Renewal,... |
Apr 06 1997 Green Gulch |
Meanings of the Word DharmaSerial: SF-03094 Sunday Lecture Birth-and-Death, Humility, Buddha's Birthday, Soto Zen, Zendo, Zazen, Family... |
Sep 24 1995 Green Gulch |
Five Attributes of a TeacherSerial: SF-03218 One-day sitting Book of Serenity, Teacher-and-Student, Humility, Blue Cliff Record, Letting Go,... |
Jul 15 1995 Green Gulch |
Emptying Yourself To Receive The Gift To Give It Away AgainSerial: SF-03096 Sunday Lecture Interview, Humility, Emotions, Concentration, Posture, Soto Zen, Teacher-and-Student... |
Jun 25 1995 Green Gulch |
Sunday Lecture Ordinary Mind, Faith, Anger, Impermanence, Humility, Greed, Commitment, Letting Go,... |
Jan 30 1994 Green Gulch |
KhandroSerial: SF-01913 Rigpa adulthood Transmission, Teacher-and-Student, Ego, Instruction, Humility, Emptiness, Sanctuary,... |
Sep 03 1988 SFZC |
The Four Truths Happiness, Four Noble Truths, Religion, New Year, Don't Know Mind, Gratitude,... |
Oct 21 1979 |
Fire in the EarthSerial: SF-01874 "Bill R. From a set called "Footsteps: A Writing Life" KT Silence, Humility, Freedom, Passions, Conversation, Light-and-Darkness, First... |
Lecture on TibetSerial: SF-05340 Not Suzuki Roshi - lecture on Tibet-in-exile and HH Dalai Lama (both sides) Interview, Faith, New Year, Buddha Nature, Transmission, Instruction, Lay, training,... |
Resurrection's Transformative Journey in Grace Humility, Emotions, Silence |
Do You Do It? Politics, Ego, Birth-and-Death, Religion, Humility, Faith, Oneness, Bodhidharma,... |