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Showing 1926 talks

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Title Speaker Date

July 22nd, 1969, Serial No. 00028

Serial: KR-00028 -
Concentration, Monastic Practice, Ceremony, Delusion, Meditation, Instruction, lecture...
Jul 22 1969

Enjoy Your Life

Serial: SR-00031 Talk on the moon landing -
heart, Observe
Jul 20 1969

I have nothing in my mind

Serial: SR-00029 -
Emptiness, Forms, Zazen, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Passions, Interview, Beginners, Balance,...
Jul 15 1969

Eulogy For Trudy Dixon Given During Her Funeral Ceremony

Serial: SR-00028 Words from the funeral eulogy for Trudy Dixon. Magnanimous mind -
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Dogen, Buddha Mind, Buddha Mind, Passions, Compassion...
Jul 11 1969


Serial: SR-00027 Wednesday, July 9, 1969 Tassajara -
Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Forms, reality, Enemies, Truth, training, American, Duality, Balance...
Jul 09 1969

July 9th, 1969, Serial No. 00027

Serial: KR-00027 -
Hate, Bell, Concentration, American, Discrimination, Observe, training, Meditation, Pain,...
Jul 09 1969

Question And Answer Session

Serial: SR-00025 Tuesday, July 8, 1969 San Francisco -
Question-and-Answer, Don't Know Mind, Anger, Greed, Emotions, Zazen, Culture, Precepts,...
Jul 08 1969

Practice Should Be The Practice Of “Right Now.”

Serial: SR-00024 Thursday, July 3, 1969 Tassajara -
Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Forms, Faith, reality, training, Enemies, War, Death...
Jul 03 1969

July 3rd, 1969, Serial No. 00021

Serial: KR-00021 -
Silence, Monastic Practice, Delusion, Birth-and-Death, Community, Obstacles, Balance,...
Jul 03 1969

It Is Rather Difficult For Us To Figure Out Why We Started To Practice Zazen

Serial: SR-00023 Tuesday, July 1, 1969 Tassajara -
American, Freedom, Priest, zen, Offering, Religion, Culture, Ceremony, difficulty, sitting...
Jul 01 1969

Rinzai Zen and Soto Zen

Serial: SR-00033 July 1969San Francisco Morning. -
Dogen, Buddha Nature, Evil, Freedom, Priest, Ego, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Transmission...
Jul 1969

June 30th, 1969, Serial No. 00018

Serial: KR-00018 -
Observe, Meditation, training, causation, Evil, Posture, Community, Religion, Karma, Breath...
Jun 30 1969

Emptiness is Form

Serial: SF-05968 Sunday, June 29, 1969 San Francisco Newly uploaded version has speed adjustments made; should be a little clearer for transcript - not just end, but correcting throughout. -
Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Current Events, Balance, Faith, Beginners, Continuous Practice...
Jun 29 1969

June 28th, 1969, Serial No. 00017

Serial: KR-00017 -
Ceremony, Observe, Delusion, Meditation
Jun 28 1969

June 24th, 1969, Serial No. 00016

Serial: KR-00016 -
Mindfulness, lecture, Concentration, Happiness
Jun 24 1969

Direct Experience of Reality

Serial: SR-00020 -
Baso, Dogen, lecture, Sutra, Forms, Pain, sitting
Jun 22 1969

How should we establish our system of practice in San Francisco

Serial: SR-00019 Tuesday Evening, June 17, 1969San Francisco Just sit, and follow the teacher's instruction. Story of four kinds of horse. Humans go to the moon, but don't understand themselves. Have no ideas about Buddhahood, or worry... -
Rinzai, Soto Zen, Dogen, Zazen, New Year, Concentration, Big Mind, Priest, Pain, Addiction,...
Jun 17 1969

June 10th, 1969, Serial No. 00015

Serial: KR-00015 -
Consciousness, Big Mind, Obstacles, Emotions, New Year, Samadhi, Suffering, Ego, Hate,...
Jun 10 1969

June 10th, 1969, Serial No. 00081

Serial: KR-00081 -
Dharma Transmission, Transmission, realization, Ceremony, difficulty, Mandala, Soto Zen...
Jun 10 1969

Yakusan did not give lectures for a long time

Serial: SF-05961 June 1969Tassajara Story of Yakusan saying he was not a teacher to give lectures. Making effort, and paying attention. What is right effort? -
Priest, Freedom
Jun 1969

Suzuki's 65th Birthday

Serial: SR-00018 Sunday Morning, May 18, 1969Sokoji, San Francisco -
Priest, Building, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Beginners, Instruction, Anger, Posture, Pain...
May 18 1969

April 29th, 1969, Serial No. 00313

Serial: KR-00313 -
Evil, Birth-and-Death, Attachment, Don't Know Mind, Community, Religion, Suffering, Pain...
Apr 29 1969

How To Take Our Bodhisattva's Vow

Serial: SR-00017 Tuesday Morning, April 29, 1969 San Francisco -
Bodhisattva Vow, Dogen, Agama Sutra, Precepts, Mahayana, Sutra, Observe, Freedom, Vow, Enemies...
Apr 29 1969

Jumping Off the 100-Foot Pole

Serial: SR-00016 Sunday Lecture Sunday, April 20, 1969 -
Buddha Nature, Evil, Priest, Big Mind, Compassion, Continuous Practice, reality...
Apr 20 1969

Zen Is Not Something To Talk About, And Also It Is Something To Talk About

Serial: SR-00015 Shunryu Suzuki (with Ryogen Yoshimura) Afternoon Sesshin Lecture Sunday, April 19, 1969 Audio includes Yoshimura at beginning. -
Sesshin, Suffering, lecture, Monks, Don't Know Mind, Priest, Community, Posture, training...
Apr 19 1969

April 19th, 1969, Serial No. 00013

Serial: KR-00013 -
Silence, Big Mind, Suffering, Meditation, Birth-and-Death, Fox, Patience, Vow, Compassion,...
Apr 19 1969

April 18th, 1969, Serial No. 00014

Serial: KR-00014 -
Obstacles, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Intention, Vow, Ceremony, training...
Apr 18 1969

April 17th, 1969, Serial No. 00012

Serial: KR-00012 -
New Year, Lotus Sutra, Instruction, Buddha Nature, resistance, Demons, Mindfulness, Tassajara...
Apr 17 1969

April 15th, 1969, Serial No. 00042

Serial: KR-00042 -
Silence, Nirvana, Meditation, training, Don't Know Mind, causation, Suffering, Pain,...
Apr 15 1969

April 14th, 1969, Serial No. 00031, Side B

Serial: KR-00031B -
Silence, causation, Suffering
Apr 14 1969

April 14th, 1969, Serial No. 00031, Side A

Serial: KR-00031A -
Birth-and-Death, New Year, Silence, lecture, Suffering, Pain, causation, Continuous Practice,...
Apr 14 1969

April 12th, 1969, Serial No. 00025

Serial: KR-00025 -
Monastic Practice, Patience, Offering, Buddha Mind, Lotus Sutra, Ceremony, Continuous Practice...
Apr 12 1969

The Only Desire That Is Complete Is Buddha's Desire

Serial: SR-00014 -
Buddha Nature, Freedom, difficulty, Wisdom, War, Culture, Posture, lecture, Precepts, Priest...
Apr 08 1969

Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind

Serial: SR-00013 -
Composure, reality, difficulty, Freedom
Mar 30 1969

March 25th, 1969, Serial No. 00011

Serial: KR-00011 -
Silence, Meditation, Attachment, Bodhidharma, confusion, Gratitude, Community, Interview,...
Mar 25 1969

Our Practice Should Be Based On The Idea Of Selflessness

Serial: SR-00012 Sunday Morning, March 16, 1969 -
Monastic Practice, Truth
Mar 16 1969

Find Out for Yourself

Serial: SR-00011 Find out what "buddha-nature" and "enlightenment" mean. Study without purpose. How his teacher in Japan treated him; trying to discover the right thing to do. -
Sesshin, Zazen, Eiheiji, Suffering, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Beginners, Posture, zen,...
Mar 15 1969

Nansen's “Everyday Mind Is Dao”

Serial: SR-00010 -
Truth, Birth-and-Death, Wisdom, zen, Pain, Death, difficulty, Composure, Sutra...
Mar 10 1969

Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced Buddha

Serial: SR-00009 Sunday, March 9, 1969 Sokoji, San Francisco Koan story of sun-faced buddha, moon-faced buddha. Practicing while well or while sick. Accepting what we don't like. Understanding everyday activity through duality and oneness.... -
Baso, Koan, Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Composure, Discrimination, difficulty, Buddha...
Mar 09 1969

March 1969 talk, Serial No. 00010

Serial: KR-00010 -
Suffering, Delusion, Composure, Meditation, Lineage, Anger, Happiness, Hate, American...
Mar 1969

February 25th, 1969, Serial No. 00009

Serial: KR-00009 -
Attachment, causation, realization, Consciousness, Breath, Happiness, Community, Meditation,...
Feb 25 1969

February 18th, 1969, Serial No. 00008

Serial: KR-00008 -
causation, Suffering, Buddha Mind, Birth-and-Death, difficulty, Buddha Nature, Attachment,...
Feb 18 1969

February 1969 talk, Serial No. 00002

Serial: KR-00002 -
Meditation, Transmission, Letting Go, Buddha Nature, Discrimination, Composure, lecture,...
Feb 1969

February 1969 talk, Serial No. 00003

Serial: KR-00003 -
Delusion, Samadhi, Meditation, Nirvana, Subject-and-Object, Pain, realization, Suffering,...
Feb 1969

February 1969 talk, Serial No. 00005

Serial: KR-00005 -
Passions, Delusion, Nirvana, Repentance, Diversity, Meditation, Intention, Building...
Feb 1969

February 1969 talk, Serial No. 00006

Serial: KR-00006 -
Discrimination, realization, Anger, training, Suffering, Consciousness, Pain...
Feb 1969

February 1969 talk, Serial No. 00007

Serial: KR-00007 -
Suffering, causation, Fasting, Zendo, Greed, Intention, Anger, difficulty
Feb 1969

February 1969 talk, Serial No. 00004

Serial: KR-00004 -
Repentance, Delusion, Happiness, Vow, Meditation, Suffering, Mindfulness, Passions, Enemies,...
Feb 1969

1969, Serial No. 00001

Serial: KR-00001 -
Beginners, confusion, Delusion, Discrimination

1969, Serial No. 00022

Serial: KR-00022 -
Meditation, difficulty, Don't Know Mind, Chanting, Building, Silence, Buddha Nature,...
