OLD - The First Teaching
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Enlightened with this wisdom, you will reach the stage of kendo, the first stage. The stage you have right understanding of reality, our real life. And so, real life we mean is life of ignorance and life of wisdom. And wisdom and ignorance is also two sides of one coin. So we say, if you know the cause of suffering which is ignorance, you will know how to attain perfect understanding.
Buddha says, because this arises, you know, A arises and B arises. And because A exists, B exists. Because A arises, B arises. You may say, actually he says, B extincts, but the same thing. It is the truth of cause and effect in time span. Because, you know, I arise here, I will die someday.
Because A arises, B extincts. And because I exist, you exist at the same time. If I don't exist, you don't exist. For you, if you don't exist, I don't exist. And actually, we cannot be separated completely from you, physically and spiritually. If I say something, you will understand. So in space span, we are related closely. We cannot be independent. So this teaching is called interdependence, teaching of interdependence.
Vertically and horizontally, we are closely related and we are all interdependent beings. That is another interpretation of how we exist and how we suffer. And actually, it is the teaching of everything changes and selflessness. Nothing to be called self particular. Because we are related, completely related with each other. So in Mahayana, a teaching concludes this thought in this way.
One is all, all are one. One is all. That I exist here, everything exists here. That everything exists means I exist here. So I or everything else is another interpretation of one reality. So in reality, one is all and all is one. So far, it may be intellectual understanding of the truth. Because actually, even though we understand in this way, we ignore our understanding and stick to self, idea of self, I, I, I.
We always say, I, I, I. We do not know how everyone else will feel. That is actually true. I am sorry to say so. Funny and funny. But it can't be helped. If you have this kind of wisdom, you will completely understand why we suffer. And how we could get free from suffering.
To know the cause of suffering is to attain the way to free from suffering. Way to get rid of suffering. And Buddha concluded in this way, there is no other way to get out of suffering for us. The only way to get out of suffering is to know, to have wisdom. To know what is the cause of suffering. Before Buddha, people offer sacrifice to divine being.
And to have, sometimes to be born in some wonderful world. But, you know, there is no, to sacrifice something. The act of sacrificing something cannot result, you know, for us to be born in some other world. If we kill some animal, the animal may suffer. And we, we will suffer too.
That is true. That is true cause and effect. And we, you know, offer some money to Buddha. And to have, to improve our health. Buddha help me. I offer million dollar to him. So please help me. But it cannot be, we cannot be helped in that way. Because the cause of cause and effect is wrong. So only way to get free from suffering is to know real cause of suffering. And to get, to get rid of that.
Knowing what is the cause of suffering. Try not to do something which will cause suffering. That is the only way to get out of suffering according to Buddhism. So we have no miracle at all. Because we believe in the truth of cause and effect. And we strictly observe true cause of cause and effect. And if we mix, mix up the cause, the cause of cause and effect, that is so called, to violate the one of the precepts.
Kai Kong Shikhe. Kai Kong Shikhe That is the teaching. Teaching of suffering. I think next time. Tomorrow. I must explain. The teaching of four noble truths.
Four noble truths. So we, tonight we studied what is suffering. And what is cause of suffering. And we refer to the teaching of interdependence. The teaching of interdependence is arising from conditional causation. Everything arises from condition. And not being spontaneous or self-conditioned.
Has no separate and independent nature. Nothing has no independent nature. This is the teaching of interdependence. Thank you. Thank you.
I have not paid to drink. I have not paid to drink. Thanks.