Game Theory of Ethics

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The lecture discusses the paradox of forced morality and the concept of voluntary love, highlighting the futility of imposing ethics through coercion. It explores how genuine faith and love emerge from embracing vulnerability and the impermanence of life, rather than through deliberate efforts to control or possess oneself.

  • Referenced Work: "Game Theory of Ethics" by Alan Watts
    Explores the contradiction of enforced moral behavior and the authentic nature of voluntary ethical actions, emphasizing the importance of understanding life's inherent insecurity and transience.

AI Suggested Title: Voluntary Love in Impermanent Life

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Possible Title: Watts - TO 087 Game Theory of Ethics
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will ever be forced. Look at the forced tomatoes, the forced fruit. It has no taste. And in the same way, forced behavior, forced morality has no love. It invariably brings out resentment in the people who are its victims, victims of kindness, forced kindness, fake kindness. But when you say, you see, you must love each other, that's the old, our friend, the double bind. You are commanded to do what will be acceptable only if you do it voluntarily. Then you might say, all right, you tell me it does no good to preach, I can't force myself to love, I can't force myself therefore to have faith, I can't force myself to trust,


what am I going to do? It's all very well of you to say, well, we have to have faith in this world. How are we going to get it? How are we going to love? Where's the love going to come from? There's no answer. You must wait. Because the waiting itself is the beginning of the faith. There is no way to put this on. You can't let go of yourself, give yourself up deliberately. That comes to be a kind of fake unselfishness. But what you can do is to realize that you don't have to give yourself up, because you don't possess yourself anyway. If you realize, you see, that you are completely insecure, that life


is as I described it in the beginning, this flowing musical thing which is all the time falling apart. I said that life is giving oneself up to death. Well, nature has made it so easy for you. It is killing you all the time. You're falling apart like smoke being disintegrated by the wind. Or you've fallen over the edge of a precipice. But it suddenly turns out, in a most mysterious way, that when you completely abandon the quest for safety, because you know it's impossible to find, you find that you are falling through a space which has no floor. That was a lecture by the late Alan Watts entitled, Game Theory of Ethics. If you'd

