Non-violence Talks
Showing 19 talks
Title | Speaker | |
Sunday LectureSerial: SF-00940 World's largest ball of twine, snobbery, insight, calming our minds, shamata - tranquility practce, Dhammapada, monuments to warfare, GGF farm and kids, hate crime and Tam High... Vow, Precepts, Hate, Non-violence, Bodhisattva Precepts, Intimacy, Interview,... |
Dec 19 2004 Green Gulch |
Non-Thinking and the Twelve-Fold Chain of CausationSerial: SF-00968 Sunday Lecture Lotus Sutra, Instruction, Four Noble Truths, Posture, Peace, Letting Go, Separation,... |
Jul 18 2004 Green Gulch |
Sunday LectureSerial: SF-00983 First part of lecture children's program. Read story, "Play with Me". Impatient with world situation. Look at causes. Patience. Path of peace. Dog story. MLK Jr Hate, Anger, Non-violence, Mill Valley, Peace, Greed, Evil, Demons, Concentration,... |
Apr 06 2003 Green Gulch |
Sunday LectureSerial: SF-01072 One-minute silence/meditation. Enjoy your breathing at that time. Wage peace. Ashoka story. Bodhi tree. Rice (?) to president campaign Peace, Silence, Practice Period, Offering, true dharma, Vow, Daily Life, Bell, Non-... |
Feb 09 2003 Green Gulch |
VasubandhuSerial: SF-04005 Summer intensive Emotions, Separation, Karma, Lineage, Delusion, Don't Know Mind, Hate, Greed,... |
Jul 28 2002 City Center |
Embracing Impermanence with Compassion Impermanence, Blue Cliff Record, Hate, Non-violence, Birth-and-Death, Vow, Precepts,... |
Apr 13 2002 City Center |
Arbor DaySerial: SF-01071 Sunday Lecture Commitment, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Non-violence, Nirvana, Practice Period,... |
Feb 10 2002 Green Gulch |
Saturday Lecture Freedom, Separation, Delusion, Vow, Teacher-and-Student, Patience, Non-violence,... |
Jul 04 1998 City Center |
Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 1Serial: SF-03511 Copyright 1998 by Gary Snyder - Unedited Preview Cassette Religion, Conversation, Demons, Peace, resistance, Precepts, Zendo, Non-violence,... |
1998 Unknown |
Buddha's BirthdaySerial: SF-03098 Sunday Lecture Buddha's Birthday, Ceremony, Bell, Heart Sutra, Humility, Chanting, Renewal,... |
Apr 06 1997 Green Gulch |
Precepts, Especially Right SpeechSerial: SF-03957 Sunday Lecture Precepts, Right Speech, Cultivation, Heart Sutra, Happiness, Obstacles, Suzuki Roshi... |
Aug 11 1991 Green Gulch |
World Peace Through Compassion and Non-Violence Non-violence, Peace, Religion, Happiness, Freedom, Politics, Hate, Patience, Greed,... |
Apr 09 1991 |
Dzögchen TeachingsSerial: SF-02717 Commercially produced cassette Gratitude, Nirvana, Peace, Offering, Religion, realization, Mandala, Non-violence,... |
Oct 09 1989 San Jose |
Sunday Lecture New Year, Offering, Liberation, Dragons, Impermanence, Non-violence, Ceremony,... |
Mar 05 1989 Green Gulch |
Sunday Lecture Mindfulness, Daily Life, Posture, Half-Smile, Non-violence, Cultivation, Precepts,... |
May 24 1987 SFZC |
The Second Grave Precept: Not Stealing Precepts, Peace, realization, Greed, Buddha Nature, Non-violence, training, Emptiness... |
Aug 05 1983 SFZC |
Public Lecture Enemies, Peace, Anger, Daily Life, Happiness, Mindfulness, Half-Smile, Silence, Non-... |
Mar 28 1983 SFZC |
Thursday Night Lecture at Fireman's Fund AuditoriumSerial: SF-00126 Economics as if people matter. Doubt, Non-violence, Funeral, Bell |
Sep 05 1974 Fireman's Fund Auditorium |
Buddhism and Psychotherapy Enemies, Non-violence, Happiness, Peace, Mindfulness, Zoom, Anger, Non-duality,... |