Embrace Positivity for Enlightened Living
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AI Suggested Keywords:
Labor Day
The talk primarily addresses navigating interpersonal relationships and self-perception, emphasizing the importance of shifting one's mindset from negativity to positivity. The speaker discusses the perception of enlightenment as an attainable present quality rather than a distant goal and advocates for acknowledging and appreciating personal accomplishments to manage difficult situations. Additionally, the significance of humor and non-attachment is highlighted as tools for addressing life's challenges and enhancing practice. The discussion also explores future retreat plans, international activities, and how to maintain spiritual practice across distances.
- Referenced Works:
- The Ideas of Self Liberation: A transcript highlighting the benefits of recognizing internal refuge during hardships.
- Teachings of the Summer Retreat in Khorong Dala: A course or session which offers recordings that may provide insights into challenges faced during retreats.
Conference in Santa Rosa: Refers to an international gathering anticipated to discuss various spiritual topics, reflecting on ongoing development in teachings and practice.
Referenced Individuals:
- John Priest: Mentioned as an individual contributing to a book and film on meditation, representing broader efforts to disseminate spiritual teachings.
- Dalai Lama: Indirect anticipation of his involvement in upcoming events at Dokshin Monastery, implying a significant upcoming moment in the community's activities.
AI Suggested Title: Embrace Positivity for Enlightened Living
Side: A
Speaker: Sogyal
Possible Title: Labor Day
Additional text: #8
Recording starts after beginning of talk.
There's a lot of relationships with others, and there's a lot of tango and erotic energy that comes back and forth, and things get worse and worse. I'll get it. I'll come to a point where I'm not... This is the stuff. But I'm not being able to stop myself. I think I'll stop the others. Without being able to stop myself. Even more problems arise. When you get into a kind of sandwich situation, it's better to, obviously, go away. Go somewhere else. It'll never land. It's a change. It's not running away, but just, you know... You know what I mean? You know what I'm saying? And also, not to struggle, kind of, to work it out.
I bet it doesn't work sometimes, right? Just go away. First of all, I should tell you, you know, just to forget it. There'll be one kind of sandwich, you're taking a space, and you're standing there, and you're sitting there, and you're, you know, making music or something, you know. Or... I sometimes make a noise, Polka! [...] It's completely something ridiculous. It's also something like, in the community, there's a series of comedies, which you can choose from. In fact, I've talked to John Priest. He's got, basically, you know, writing a book on meditation. He's making a film on meditation. And one day, he's got all these wonderful videotapes. He's got these, he's got executive videotapes. Like, for example,
one thing is how not to eat with you. Eat with you. It's a kind of, I think, you know, it's a bit of a collection of some funny incredible that you can look at in order to diffuse a particular pattern. Just that. And the main point is not to think yourself neurotic. Not to think yourself as neurotic. Not to believe yourself to be neurotic. Even if you're neurotic. Don't believe too much. Don't adversify. Think yourself as normal. Normal. Even if you're neurotic. You know. There's a certain humor there. Just that. And then maybe, you see,
then you come back to the situation that you go back, come back, and let's you think clearly. Anybody who was raising hands Not very good. This is game number. We don't have a number. Okay, please, yes. I have a comment and a question. Okay. In relation to what Ken was saying, I found that so often we're taking the view that enlightenment is over there and that we're not enlightened and that we have to get this thing. But that if we take the view that we have some light somewhere. We're not completely in the dark. We do have these specks of light. And start from, well, with this much enlightenment and begin to build
on how much enlightenment we already have. And then it begins to grow much more quickly and can take responsibility for the enlightenment that you do have. And kind of changes the whole around. Yes. If I may make a comment on that one. Is that sometimes really look at yourself, see how much accomplishment that you've been able to make. Just look at yourself, see what accomplishment that you've been able to make. Particularly when you're down in the dark. That's called counting the blessings. You don't have a good health. At least you have a good health. At least you've got enough to eat. At least you can send. Some basic thing. Because tend to be sometimes when we have
what do you call it? Sometimes, yes, I mean, when you have suffering or this thing. It's a bit of a little bit of indulgence. I mean, certain sufferings are very fundamental, but sometimes it's also a little indulgence. Because in a sense when we have cut through certain attachments of difficulty, it is to see clearly, saying, well, you know, things, some good things, some things you have rather than things you don't have. Think about it. And then also it's also practice gives you something really. I mean, this is what, who is it the same as? Jack. Jack from from, yeah. Remember in that tape, there's a transcript called The Ideas of Self Liberation. In this one people talk about even when you have difficulty you realize there's something to you really found a refuge. That's that.
And you have to practice and you really find, even if it's difficult, even if you have done what you have done, there's something there you don't have to see. And it's spoken about, remember this prince from Namchen in Tibet. He went to 18 years retreat in a Chinese prison there. And how he, in some of his practice, he came to a great recognition. And now all that misfortune had just turned around. It was a pity. Okay. Okay, now I think we should maybe just go on and Yes. I think when I get into a place that's blocked, I clearly look at it and place no attachment to how it should look. It is, when I say, this is a great question, it should look like this, a great question, it should look like this, it should not be using mind, it should not be using emotion or whatever. So if you place no attachment
on how it should look and relax, be natural, experientially, I think that helps a lot. Yes. Let me say, from your, we talked about in the last retreat about taking this person permanently. And I'm not sure when I see you again, the retreat experiences with you are always a real opening thing for me. And then that sort of out there, it's like, oh, it's so sorry, it's even worse than that. I don't know how to do it. This is very ridiculous. Difficult, you see. Tapes, dance tapes. It's also one way to work on it. One way, especially
when you have some difficulty. One way to do it. So it's nice to see, it's like some inspiration. Just keep it. That helps. It may not be so easy, but you know, help get up. And there may be some subtle changes that occurs. Particularly for example, that you were here, so maybe listen to this tape again. Particularly the part that had a special impact for you or a session that you found particularly difficult. That's one way. Or else, from now to speak, it's already impossible. In the last retreat I worked on calling the lama, and that was tremendously helpful. But because I'm going back
to Nepal, it's going to be hard for me to work on your stuff there, because the distance. We can create a route. We can create that. I'm coming in the center. And I come in here. There. And I can see this. Just, even if you feel bad, just look, you can see it. Just sit in front of it a little bit. I can do your work. I can say, please smile. People will say, hmm, you really smiled. And then you look, you can see. That's one thing. That's really tremendous about that place. It's very early. Also, as I was saying when I was in Kathmandu, to all the students there, I was saying that sometimes when you're in a place like that, you forget. You don't practice. So you practice. And then also, you see, sometimes
ask this tape to be sent. There's a way to do that. If you're going in and out, if you create a kind of work, then you have this tape. Root. You can work on it. If you like my knuckle, you can like it. And also, also, like the tapes of the teachings of the summer retreat. It's a great exception. That's on this retreat. In Khorong Dala. It's a great exception. And then maybe you can listen to that. Something new again. The same thing, but something slightly new. On your previous visit, you spoke about the trip last winter to Nepal. And you said you thought you would probably be doing that here. And I started to make plans hoping to go on that trip. And now I hear from senior students that not so much this year.
OK. Let me just tell you this. I'm going to India anyway. If you want to come with me, it's fine. The works are quite spontaneous. There's no big planning. Last time I said, OK, people wanted to come. You said, OK, come. And then we became a hundred people. So then we could exchange materials. It was fine. Except I'm not planning a big trip. I'm not announcing to people, saying I'm going to India. Because last year we had a particular mission, in a sense. We were in Sydney for that. But this year it's not particularly... I'm not doing this because for some people people get a bit torn. There are too many things to do. So therefore, in a sense, I don't want to make them feel bad not being able to go there. So I'm not making this trip this time particularly a big issue. If you want to come, it's fine. But next year
I'm making it next year because next year, depending on the time, next year, there's Dokshin Monastery in South maybe the opening of Dokshin Monastery. And there's a lot of Dalai Lama may come and give services there. And maybe there's a chance next year. Both may be there. So then I would like to take my students there. Because of that. But at the same time, you can come. Only thing, I'm going to Sikkim. So if you go to Sikkim, you need to apply the visa thing there. If you do the visa things well, you'll get good connections in Sikkim government official things, you can do that. You can get a good... There's one man who's another representative in Rajasthan. He said, you're just doing 24 hours and I'll fix it for you, he said. The visa things kind of work. So we can actually do that. So if there are people coming and if you made plans already, so then please, you can come. Whereas if it's possible for exchange for next year, then you come next year.
That's what I want. Is that clear? Clear? That is clear? Yes, Tom. Well, in appreciation to the... for the... your teaching on the language of the Sambhala, it is the thought that the teaching in America is, I feel, a rather important thing for our minds. So that other people can have the... For example, here in America, man, we have a land. You know? Very much because of the generosity of others. We have this beautiful land, which I haven't really grasped because now I'm living in a land
where production needed to do project and we have this beautiful land for several years, then you slowly, slowly start living in it. And central, because now my work is being more central. In London, to develop a model for city center. And then of course I have a very, very quite a big center in Paris also. And Germany, we have hundreds of students, but Germany, I'm doing a different thing, is not to have a center. Because that's our strength. Strength is not to have a center. Because sometimes games in Germany, they become a little over-optimized. And in a sense, if you're from Germany, from Holland, it's incredible. There's Holland, there's really a lot of people from Holland. There are about 50 people from Holland. 200 Germans.
200 Frenchmen. So you know, so and then Ireland is very strong. Southern is very strong. Italy and then visit one or two countries and then we'll be alright. So you see the whole internationalism, but I'm going to focus on one, the retreat I had in Ireland. Eventually, a long-term practice place. The city center in London. And this island in Australia. Because Australia is quite strong. In Australia, I'm going to mention the media. And then here, United States also. I mean, our Sangha is relatively small. But yet what I appreciate is people have been even as Californians
quite stable. Here in Australia, you just keep on coming to the retreat practice. That I really appreciate. Even if you cannot come for the retreat, come for just once, for a short time. It kind of brings you into the view. Just reminder. Inspiration. So I keep on coming, because Americans don't have too much time, so I keep on coming for short times. Many times. And also East Coast is not great. But I'm responsible for East Coast. And then what will be happening is that we are going to have a shrine here in Berkeley now. We found a place. And I'm going to do decorations. Inspiring. It's quite a large shrine. And then there's a good group in Seattle. There's not such a bad group in San Diego. There's a veining group in
Portland. Anyway, so I like to kind of start practicing together. And then slowly I'm just, you know, devising ways of studying materials that I'm working on. It's no use asking, I'll tell you, you study this, you're going to develop a model. And now also some of my older students have been traveling on that path. Doing a tour of Ireland. Doing a tour of Germany. Then also doing a temple visit. And a few masters also. And with, for example, the new center we're going to have, like, sit rooms here and many masters there also. Then well, something to a panel which is coming this November in a period of 10 days we're going to give India And a big weekend of EU
It's coming in 16 months. Then we hope Caspian Sea will come soon again. And then Dorobudzhe is promised to come. Then one thing I'm not sure is he's going to come next summer, next Easter. And then now the Jokzhenuzhe, he will be coming. Now from next year onwards I will make him come more and more. Every retreat I will invite him. So that he will start slowly teaching and slowly start introducing him. And so that he can also travel and teach. His English needs to be studied. To develop it. And then Kamsa can't stay with me. He wants to come tonight to England to come study English for 6 months.
And I hope he will start retreating slowly. So slowly, slowly, slowly. So in a sense it's something very wonderful thing that you said. I wish you I look forward to future with joy and inspiration and practice now. So now we can stop for a moment. Unless someone has got a very itching question. It's not very important but it's itching. Yesterday you mentioned the mantra Ah Ah and that's got a real connection with Krishna. And I wanted to ask you how would be a good way to use it. Just say Ah Ah But in future one time you make
a point and I teach on that. You make a kind of you ask Oh yes let me mention this to you now is that the next retreat I'm going now from here I'm going here from here to East Coast to a shorter retreat there. Then then I go to a small conference in Estonia and then I go to go to Austria for three weeks. Then I'll be back for the conference in Santa Rosa Transperson International Conference And then then I'll be back for the
retreat in November which is going to be on the 23rd. Isn't it? But myself I might have to leave. It's supposed to be on the 4th of December. But myself I might have to leave on the 4th. But let that not make you change your mind because I'd like you to maybe even if I'm not there the weekend to use the opportunity to practice. That would be very good if you could do that. So this time we can kind of practice together the weekend. But I'm not there the weekend because I need to go I may have to go pre-meal for the conference to all the numbers. Maybe it's important to meet with Becky for the conference beginning on the 5th of December. It's the day after the retreat there always. I'm supposed to be in Santa Rosa then. So anyways I might have to leave. I'll see when it's time to go. And so but that retreat
will be in one way it may be that I might teach on six partos. I'm wanting to teach on six partos. I might teach on that. I don't know. But more so is for all the students people who are already committed is I'm beginning to teach on that. So maybe you'll just get a little notice in the next... beginning of the retreat. So that's that. So now we'll have a few minutes break and then we'll do practice two. .
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